J'ai replongé avec grand plaisir dans l'univers de Fonda Lee avec sa novella The jade setter of Janloon, un texte parfaitement maîtrisé qui permet de se remettre dans le bain avant la sortie française de La cité de jade le 31 août.
#MastoLivre #GreenBone #FondaLee #TheJadeSetterOfJanloon #Fantasy
#mastolivre #Greenbone #fondalee #thejadesetterofjanloon #fantasy
The release of gvmd 22.5.2 did break the Greenbone Community Containers and also source builds. See https://github.com/greenbone/gvmd/issues/2038 We are actively working on a solution! #greenbone #openvas
I've updated the source build guide in the Greenbone Community Docs https://greenbone.github.io/docs/latest/22.4/source-build/index.html to Debian 12 bookworm https://github.com/greenbone/docs/pull/340 #openvas #greenbone #debian #bookworm
#openvas #Greenbone #debian #bookworm
Currently our Greenbone Community Feed Server is not available https://forum.greenbone.net/t/feed-community-greenbone-net-not-available-2023-04-23/14487/1 #greenbone #openvas
Improving the situation for our #Greenbone #OpenVAS community is still one of my major ambitions for this year. One point on my list was to rewrite our shell based feed sync scripts in #Python. Finally I had some rare time to work on this :party_parrot: and I am happy to announce the first release of https://github.com/greenbone/greenbone-feed-sync 🥳
Just removed the docs for our 21.4 community edition as it is end of life and users should switch to 22.4 instead https://github.com/greenbone/docs/pull/252 #OpenVAS #Greenbone
The #Greenbone Vulnerability Management Community Edition, in short GVM, is an #opensource #vulnerability scanner and uses information from several sources, called feeds. To detect recent vulnerabilities, you should make sure these feeds are updated. Here's how to manually update such a #security feed. 👇
#security #vulnerability #opensource #Greenbone
Het is gelukt! Vandaag hoorde ik van het bestaan van de #greenbone security scanner die in #docker draait.
Was meteen een mooie gelegen om #docker desktop op windows uit te proberen.
M'n modem is volgens #greenbone niet geheel veilig.
Créer un scanner de vulnérabilités avec un Raspberry Pi (mais pas que…) https://www.it-connect.fr/creer-un-scanner-de-vulnerabilites-avec-un-raspberry-pi-mais-pas-que/ #SécuritéInformatique #RaspberryPi #Greenbone #KaliLinux #Sécurité #OpenVAS #Linux
#linux #openvas #sécurité #kalilinux #Greenbone #raspberrypi #sécuritéinformatique