Ich finde das neue Album von #GretaVanFleet ja ziemlich großartig. #Starcatcher
Var/är ni fans av Led Zeppelin så finns här ny musik i liknande tappning. #GretaVanFleet #Musiktipps
MY #LastFM stats from last week #NowListening
Top Artists:
Top Albums:
Anthem of the Peaceful Army (Greta Van Fleet)
Reeling (The Mysterines)
Electric Honey (Luscious Jackson)
Model Citizen (Meet Me @ The Altar)
Version 2.0 (Garbage)
#garbage #howardjones #thewho #themysterines #GretaVanFleet #Music #nowlistening #lastfm
GRETA VAN FLEET teilen Video zu "Sacred The Thread": Zwei Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung ihres zweiten Albums „The Battle At Garden’s Gate" kehren GRETA VAN FLEET mit neuem Material zurück. #gretavanfleet https://www.burnyourears.de/news/53736-greta-van-fleet-teilen-video-zu-meeting-the-master.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #News
#GretaVanFleet released another new song two days ago. Life's not all bad. Diggin' it. Yup diggin' it!
#nowplaying Beautiful tune!
Sacred The Thread #GretaVanFleet
#BobbysRecordVault #newmusic #rock #THRadio
#thradio #rock #newmusic #bobbysrecordvault #GretaVanFleet #nowplaying
GRETA VAN FLEET kündigen neues Album "Starcatcher" an und veröffentlichen erste Single "Meeting The Master": GRETA VAN FLEET haben mit "Starcatcher" ein neues Sutdioalbum angekündigt. Die Veröffentlichung ist für den 21.07.2023 geplant. mit "Meeting The Master" gibt's eine erste Single auf die Lauscher. #gretavanfleet https://www.burnyourears.de/news/53677-greta-van-fleet-kuendigen-neues-album-starcatcher-an-und-veroeffentlichen-erste-single-meeting-the-master.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #News
These are brutal days.
Most impressed with #GretaVanFleet Shades of Led Zep.
Greta Van Fleet Drummer Danny Wagner Names His 5 Favorite Albums
If he were stranded on an island
#GretaVanFleet #DannyWagner #5FavoriteAlbums #Music #Albums #RockMusic
#themetaldogarticlelist #loudwire #GretaVanFleet #dannywagner #5favoritealbums #music #albums #rockmusic
Adding to the list below, these were my favorite #concerts this year:
1. #Muse (Aftershock Festival, Sacramento)
2. #GretaVanFleet (ACC, Toronto)
3. #PorcupineTree (Sony Center, Toronto)
4. #RussianCircles (Lee's Palace, Toronto)
5. #Trivium (Rebel, Toronto)
6. #LambOfGod (Aftershock, Sacramento)
7. #Spiritbox (Rebel, Toronto)
8. #GodspeedYouBlackEmperor (Phoenix, Toronto)
9. #Muse (History, Toronto)
10. #Slipknot (Aftershock, Sacramento)
#concerts #muse #GretaVanFleet #top10 #porcupinetree #RussianCircles #trivium #lambofgod #Spiritbox #godspeedyoublackemperor #slipknot #metal #rock #metalhead
💿 Greta Van Fleet.
🎵 Tears Of Rain.
➡️ Instrumental track generated by A.I.
➡️ Isolated vocals generated by A.I.
➡️ You can also find 'bass and drum' and 'guitars' tracks on my channel:
#GretaVanFleet #TheBattleAtGardensGate #instrumental #IsolatedTracks #karaoke #bass #drums #vocals #vocal #vocalsonly #acapella
#GretaVanFleet #thebattleatgardensgate #instrumental #isolatedtracks #karaoke #bass #drums #vocals #vocal #vocalsonly #acapella
🎶 Can you feel my love, rising with the heat above? Life's the story of, ascending to the stars as one. 🎶 - #GretaVanFleet #TheBattleAtGardensGate
#GretaVanFleet #thebattleatgardensgate
Danny Wagner of #GretaVanFleet says 'new album nearing completion'. 🙌
#ThePeacefulArmy #music
#music #thepeacefularmy #GretaVanFleet
Greta Van Fleet: il secondo album e il vero rock https://www.radiocittafujiko.it/greta-van-fleet-il-secondo-album-e-il-vero-rock/ #Discodellasettimana #GretaVanFleet #MUSICA #NEWS
#news #musica #GretaVanFleet #Discodellasettimana
🎧 Hard rock is alive, and its current name is Greta Van Fleet. It's one of my best musical findings this year, and I'm happy I've not missed this band.
Josh Kiszka's vocal is fantastic!
#hardrock #music #GretaVanFleet