Women in the first row!
#theclimateconversation #Gretathunberg #ToriTsui #dominiquepalmer #daphnefrias #MyaRoseCraig #AtiViviamVillavaña #climatecrisis #climatechange
#theclimateconversation #Gretathunberg #toritsui #dominiquepalmer #daphnefrias #myarosecraig #ativiviamvillavana #climatecrisis #climatechange
@bbuehrlen Weil ich es gerade gelesen habe und so passend fand noch ein Zitat von Susan Bauer-Wu aus dem Buch "A future we can love":
"Wir sind Teil der Natur, untrennbar mit ihr verbunden. Leider scheinen allzu viele Menschen diese wechselseitige Abhängigkeit vergessen [zu] haben." (S. 24)
#afuturewecanlove #Gretathunberg #DalaiLama #natur #klimakrise #menschen
#afuturewecanlove #Gretathunberg #DalaiLama #natur #klimakrise #menschen
📚 @gretathunberg quits Edinburgh Book Fest: #greenwashing claims - everything you need to know
I was fortunate to see Thunberg last year speaking about her new book, and she told us why she refused to attend COP27 for the same reason. #GretaThunberg
https://howtobe247.com/greta-thunberg-quits-edinburgh-book-fest-greenwashing-claims/ #books #bookstodon
#bookstodon #Books #Gretathunberg #greenwashing
"Rich countries are signing a “death sentence” for millions of poor people around the world by failing to phase out fossil fuels, the climate activist Greta Thunberg has told governments."
#Greta #GretaThunberg #FossilFuels #Energy #Climate #ClimateChange
#ClimateChange #Climate #Energy #fossilfuels #Gretathunberg #greta
Stop the press! Cease all climate talks! #Gretathunberg roots for #Kaarija! https://www.hs.fi/ulkomaat/art-2000009628640.html
(In #Finnish.)
#Finnish #kaarija #Gretathunberg
.... and don't forget Greta Thunberg is the Greatest ! :tealheart: ❤️ #Gretathunberg
Its happening now. The drive of public REFUSAL of carbon is here. All demos are preparation to end carbon now. End subsidies, drilling, exploration, deployment of new equipment.
Its happening now, plan for the end of carbon. Plan to demand the end now. The final drive is here. PEACEFUL, UNSTOPPABLE, CALM.
#endcarbonnow #itshappening #Gretathunberg #greta #Climate
Time is up, we have arrived at the "we'll do it later" moment.
It is now time for Mass Civil Disobedience.
It is now the time of filling all the capitals' streets with people until carbon is over.
It is the time of mass climate disobedience.
Close it down,
It is the time of mass civil disobedience.
#climate #gretaThunberg #ipcc #now #mass #OccupyClimate #calm #cool #calm #slowly #now
#slowly #cool #calm #occupyclimate #mass #now #ipcc #Gretathunberg #Climate
Better, all those nations, including Pakistan, should try these deniers, activist world destroyers, with murder in absentia, and issue arrest on sight warrants for each of them.
Then begin court cases against denialist nations like 🇨🇦 Canada and its prime minister Trudeau.
#Gretathunberg #greta #ipcc #Climate
Hearing Pakistan Foreign Minister just now.
"I had grown up thinking, we can do this, build some wind generation and solar we'll be alright, then I woke up one morning and a third of my country is under water, a million homes lost, the most difficult time of my life, and the idea that this could be regular...."
"Well, now," Mr. Bhutto's fist rose, "Go Greta!"
To Kal Penn on the Daily Show.
#GretaThunberg #climate #Pakistan #AllOfUS
Who pays for Pakistan? Who benefits?
#allofus #Pakistan #Climate #Gretathunberg
“The #Climate Book” is divided into five parts: “How Climate Works,” “How Our Planet Is Changing,” How It Affects Us,” “What We’ve Done About It,” and “What We Must Do Now.” But the book seems animated by one governing goal: to recruit and (re)educate dedicated climate activists. And all of us, #GretaThunberg makes clear, have much to learn — and unlearn: “How can we undo our failures if we are unable to admit that we have failed?”
Saving the climate means removing the government if it wont stop subsidizing oil, exploring oil, removing the governmenif it does not build replacement energy systems of wind and solar.
It is NOT turn off yer light at 10pm, it is
👉 200 billion tons of oil under the ground that Trudeau wants to sell and burn.
It is not changing light bulbs.
It is Trudeau's planned release of Half A TRILLION TONS of CO2
#CANPOLI #ABLEG #NSPOLI #CLIMATE #ClimateCrisis #GretaThunberg
#Gretathunberg #ClimateCrisis #Climate #nspoli #ableg #canpoli
"The often-used argument that “we don’t have enough money” has been disproven so many times. According to the International Monetary Fund, the production and burning of coal, oil and fossil gas was subsidized by $5.9 trillion in 2020 alone. That is $11 million every minute, earmarked for planetary destruction"
Greta Thunberg writes for the LA Times.
RT @BurningClock@twitter.com
#GretaThunberg in #Davos: "It's absurd we listen to those causing #ClimateCrisis." #ClimateBreakdown https://twitter.com/guardianeco/status/1616093766716379137
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BurningClock/status/1616362348171694080
#climatebreakdown #ClimateCrisis #Davos #Gretathunberg
Fakten zu #GretaThunberg und die angebliche Inszenierung ihrer Festnahme in #Lutzerath
RT @Perowinger94@twitter.com
Zusammenfassung der Debatte der letzten Jahre:
Klimaprotest ja okay, aber...
- doch nicht am Freitag
- doch nicht gegen Autos
- doch nicht im Museum
- doch nicht auf dem Flughafen
- doch nicht gegen Konzerne
- doch nicht im Tagebau
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Perowinger94/status/1614185077889458178
RT @_Katja_Diehl_@twitter.com
Das Lustige ist, dass alle, die sich grad über #GretaThunberg echauffieren, doppelt bis dreifach so alt sind und dennoch nicht mal ein Mü dessen erreicht haben, was dieser Teenager jetzt schon erreicht hat.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_Katja_Diehl_/status/1615781595696500736