I've been on a horror movie kick since Halloween with no end in sight.
I offer an unequivocal endorsement of every movie #GretchenFelkerMartin enjoys. Her taste is truly impeccable. She's never steered me wrong yet.
Also, of course read #Manhunt 😘
#GretchenFelkerMartin #manhunt
Seven books to know me by:
Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut
Manhunt - Gretchen Felker-Martin
The Conquest of Bread - Peter Kropotkin
Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien
Parable of the Sower - Octavia Butler
Whipping Girl - Julia Serano
How to Talk Dirty and Influence People - Lenny Bruce
#KurtVonnegut #GretchenFelkerMartin #PeterKropotkin #JrrTolkien #JuliaSerano #OctaviaButler #LennyBruce
#kurtvonnegut #GretchenFelkerMartin #peterkropotkin #jrrtolkien #juliaserano #octaviabutler #lennybruce