We stopped off at the Samford Eco Corridor while out today for a walk and to look at birds (ostensibly to kill some time before going for lunch).
This is the first batch of birds:
A Grey Fantail.
A Superb Fairywren (eclipse - i.e. not yet in breeding plumage)
And a couple of Brown Honeyeaters. They make up for their relative plainness by having a lovely song.
#Bird #AustralianWildlife #WildOz #GreyFantail #SuperbFairywren #BrownHoneyeater
#bird #AustralianWildlife #wildoz #GreyFantail #superbfairywren #brownhoneyeater
A small Grey Fantail (Rhipidura albiscapa) artistically posed on a branch next to my driveway a few days ago.
#bird #nature #AustralianWildlife #wildoz #GreyFantail
If I was an actual good photographer like Cat Sparks, or @jonnosan , it would be obvious what #bird species these are. Bwahaha it's OK, I'll tell you. Female #SuperbLyrebird #YellowRobin #GreyFantail and #WhiteBrowedScrubWren #BlueMountains :)
#bird #SuperbLyrebird #yellowrobin #GreyFantail #WhiteBrowedScrubWren #bluemountains
This morning's bird, is the Grey Fantail. More common than its Rufous cousin that prefers more forested areas, the Grey Fantail can be found even in urban areas, although they prefer fields and forests.
#photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #GreyFantail #bird
Grey Fantail as seen from my veranda on the weekend. These delightful little birds catch insects on the wing and very active.
They also, as their name suggests, fan their tales for various reasons, sometimes to display a warning, sometimes in courting, and I suspect sometimes because they just want to look fabulous.
#GreyFantail #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird