I went for a walk down the road this morning, and ended up walking about a km down to a local park, and a km back along the creek.
Not a lot of "wow factor" photos, but quite a good selection of birds (some saw me before I saw them, and decided not to have their photo taken)
Here we have a #BrownThornbill
and a #GreyShrikeThrush
#BrownThornbill #easternyellowrobin #yellowfacedhoneyeater #GreyShrikeThrush #bird #AustralianWildlife #wildoz
Went for a wander and found a Grey Shrike-thrush having a feed on some caterpillar-like grubs, and later I saw a Brown Thornbill.
#bird #WildOz #AustralianWildlife #GreyShrikeThrush #BrownThornbill
#bird #wildoz #AustralianWildlife #GreyShrikeThrush #BrownThornbill
Today's bird is the drab, but very melodious Grey Shrike-thrush.
This little fellow was sitting in a tree out the front of my place, calling happily to a fellow G.S-T that seemed to be out the back somewhere.
#GreyShrikeThrush #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird