This funding for Youghal Greyhound Track was never about attracting live punters, it's all about creating live content for the international gambling industry via their deal with SIS Ltd
Your taxes are being used to support betting companies in Britain, Australia, the USA, Japan, South America etc, and supporting a livestock industry that has an execrable animal welfare record.
#GreyhoundRacing #AnimalWelfare #Gambling #Youghal
#GreyhoundRacing #animalwelfare #gambling #youghal
True, and yet for a whiff of money, they'll let any animal suffer, it seems:
“We can’t keep subjecting greyhounds to painful and life-threatening injuries for gambling profits – the public won’t stand for it.”
NZ talks about kindness, but hasn't authentically joined the dots yet. Between gambling and farming, the exploitation is extreme.
Pete the Vet talks about what's needed: conjoining dog licences and microchipping (indeed, why doesn't the licence also have a photo of the dog?) ending State support for greyhound racing (and I hope the vicious coursing too), ending "live exports", help with vet care for the poor #PeteTheVet #microchip #LiveExport #greyhoundracing
#petethevet #microchip #liveexport #GreyhoundRacing
We'll be keeping an eye on
as they discuss #greyhoundracing tomorrow. Brilliant work by @twitter@SageHounds bringing the issue this far. We hope elected member see sense and #bangreyhoundracing #cutthechase ^GC
#cutthechase #bangreyhoundracing #GreyhoundRacing
Our heartfelt thanks to #Kathmandu and other big brands saying no to the "unreality" TV show #ThrilloftheChase when we let them know their ads are being shown. Supermodel Birdie from Amazing Greys is looking for her fur-ever home. Find out more here:
- Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds
#Australia #GreyhoundRacing #greyhounds #thrillofthechase #kathmandu
Another devastating week on Australian racetracks. Five more dogs sacrificed to greed and gambling. Millions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted trying to make tracks safe, with dogs still being killed and injured after upgrades. There is no such thing as a safe track.
- Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds
#greyhounds #GreyhoundRacing #Australia #ThisMadnessNeedsToStop 🇦🇺
#thismadnessneedstostop #Australia #GreyhoundRacing #greyhounds
Rechecking a g..uncle’s will, where he leaves a legacy to his nephew, a closer g..uncle, but only on condition that the nephew “shall follow only his proper and ordinary profession as a Farmer” and not be profiting from greyhound coursing or horse racing 🙂 The uncle was probably also not hugely enamoured by his Dandie Dinmont Terrier breeding nephew in law. #Genealogy #Geneadons #ScottishBorders #HorseRacing #GreyhoundRacing
#GreyhoundRacing #horseracing #ScottishBorders #geneadons #genealogy