@TransitionShow The unsustainability of African electrical utilities was covered by Economist in 2017.
The risk of #GridDefection is not reflected in official statistics. KenyaPLC said that 1 million grid-connected customers have bought no power at all.
If a connection to unreliable grid costs >2.000USD and a 10kW+10kWh PV+battery hybrid system <10.000USD, as residential customer I would prefer independence and choose the latter.
@jt_ishie I agree. Most power utilities in Africa operate at a loss, lose money with every kWh they sell. Only Seychelles and Uganda appear to have #CostReflectiveTariff. I expect plenty of #GridDefection as soon as hybrid #rooftopPV +battery are sold in large quantities, prices should now be below 10.000$ for 10kW&10kWh systems
#CostReflectiveTariff #GridDefection #rooftopPV