Hier j'ai vu #champion de #Terence Oliver #Blanchard
Un #opera au #met tout à fait #wok. L'incroyable histoire du boxeur gay #Emile #Griffith ! Même le chef d'orchestre avait des ongles violets ! La moyenne d'âge des spectateurs environ 70ans a dû parfois s'étouffer.
#Griffith #emile #wok #met #opera #blanchard #Terence #champion
Nose picking may raise risk of #Alzheimer's and #dementia, study finds
According to scientists from the #Australian #Griffith University, bacteria through the nose can enter the brain and create markers that are "a sure sign of #Alzheimer's disease."
We are no longer looking for oil.
#Griffith #australian #dementia #alzheimer
Dakota Johnson parla del `regalo allarmante` che Alfred Hitchcock fece a sua madre, Melanie Griffith - Movieplayer.it #dakota #johnson #parla #regalo #allarmante #alfred #hitchcock #fece #madre #melanie #griffith #movieplayerit #29giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cDovL21vdmllcGxheWVyLml0L25ld3MvZGFrb3RhLWpvaG5zb24tcmVnYWxvLWFsbGFybWFudGUtYWxmcmVkLWhpdGNoY29jay1tZWxhbmllLWdyaWZmaXRoXzExNDM1Mi8=
#29giugno #movieplayerit #Griffith #melanie #madre #fece #hitchcock #alfred #allarmante #regalo #parla #johnson #dakota