#ElmoMush turned #Twitter 🐦 into #Xitter 🚽.
So, to people who still tweet, we know where your mind is. 🤔
For instance, #MAGA minion #StephenMiller just fired off a bunch of tweets blaming #woke #Kelloggs for #grooming children to be gay with #PopTarts. 👉 https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/8/11/2186678/-Stephen-Miller-accuses-Pop-Tarts-of-being-gay-and-sexualizing-children
Do NOT play Whack-a-mole with a #MAGAmoron. Just #WalkAway. #CancelCulture will #SaveAmerica from MAGA madness. ✅
#elmomush #Twitter #xitter #MAGA #stephenmiller #woke #kelloggs #Grooming #poptarts #magamoron #walkaway #cancelculture #saveamerica
@LindaCollins11 ⬆️ Are parents who are #MAGA cult members #grooming #ammosexuals in their #BasketIfDeplorables they call ‘home’ 🏡?🤔
#NeverForget that a primary #MAGA rhetorical tactic means that for them #EveryAccusationIsAConfession.
#MAGA #Grooming #ammosexuals #basketifdeplorables #NeverForget #everyaccusationisaconfession
@Susan_Larson_TN I see grooming going on in the open ⬆️.
#MomsForLiberty aka #MaterNazis are conducting a #BraveBooks event at a #Library without a single *book* 📕 in sight! 😂
They are #grooming kids to be members of the #MAGA cult of ignorance and hate!
#momsforliberty #maternazis #bravebooks #library #Grooming #MAGA
Oh look - not a drag queen. We really ought to be working on legislation to ban youth pastors.
"Upstate youth pastor faces more charges after allegedly videoing girls in shower"
Every absurd accusation by #MAGA cult members and #BananaRepublicans who represent them in Congress and state legislatures makes more sense when seen in the context of #PsychologicalProjection.
For instance, by now we’ve all seen stories about gun-toting protestors that scream at mothers with children attending #DragShows at libraries or children’s museums. 🤔
Don’t let the occasional swastika distract you from the fact that they’re ALL #ammosexuals who really are #grooming their own children!
#MAGA #bananarepublicans #psychologicalprojection #DragShows #ammosexuals #Grooming
Ron DeSantis taught me
Opposition research is expensive and since i ‘m not a huge corporation with deep corrupt dollars, i can only assist with memory and the googles.
#Indoctrination of children is one of #desantis themes but who’s #grooming kids here?
Next time just take them on a #disney adventure if you’re not #banned . #woke wars gone wrong.
#indoctrination #desantis #Grooming #disney #banned #woke
Thing I am learning: if no performers are wearing #lashes they all look fine. But if one performer is wearing lashes and the other's aren't, the one with looks normal and the ones without look like they've been in some strange eyelash removing accident. Screen #makeup is weird.
#lashes #makeup #Grooming #production #porn #adultindustry
#lgbtq #republican #texas #grooming #predator #hypocrisy
GOP lawmaker who raged about drag shows accused of plying underage intern with alcohol
He's married and has said, "We must protect Texas kids from sick adults who want to sexualize them."
#lgbtq #republican #texas #Grooming #predator #hypocrisy
RT @RockyMountViews@twitter.com
Dear Marjorie Taylor Green,
Can you do something about this display at Walmart?
I find it very upsetting and I don't think that children should be seeing these items.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RockyMountViews/status/1604307116537290753
RT @BettyBowers@twitter.com
The guy standing next to Ron DeSantis has just been sentenced to 11 years in prison for sex trafficking.
Maybe that's why Ron is so preoccupied with #Grooming.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BettyBowers/status/1598397488741974045
This viral Subwoofer Cat video (2011) proves both the physical power of sonic vibration and the feline capacity for self-absorption
#subwoofer #cat #catlife #subwoofercat #vibration #physics #cats #physicality #grooming #selfabsorption #ignore #acoustics #cultureofsound #lowfrequency #soundwaves #pressurewave #spl #soundpressure #dontcare #soundbeyondmusic #viral #museumofportablesound
#subwoofer #cat #catlife #subwoofercat #vibration #physics #cats #physicality #Grooming #selfabsorption #ignore #acoustics #cultureofsound #lowfrequency #soundwaves #pressurewave #spl #soundpressure #dontcare #soundbeyondmusic #viral #museumofportablesound
RT @dyannpaget: Fabulous @MartinDaubney chasing justice for the survivors of grooming gangs! Why aren't the @metpoliceuk @GBNEWS @EamonnHolmes #grooming #Telford #Rotherham
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MartinDaubney/status/1549760007415238660
Plattformen und Messenger-Dienste sollen je nach Risiko Maßnahmen (zB #Chatkontrolle) ergreifen, um die Verbreitung von #CSAM & #Grooming zu verhindern. Für die Dienste heißt das: Es braucht Filtertechnologien, die automatisch nach solchen Inhalten suchen, auch in privaten Chats
#Chatkontrolle #csam #Grooming
Habt ihr Fragen zum Thema #Cybergrooming / #Grooming ?
#cybergrooming #Grooming #EulchenSchreibt #autorenleben #autor_innenleben
Mein #DebütRoman wird übrigens von folgenden Themen handeln: #Grooming (#CyberGrooming), #Pädophilie, sexuelle Übergriffigkeiten, Trauerbewältigung, suizidalen Gedanken, #Selbstverletzung.
Das ganze ist #OwnVoice.
#debütroman #Grooming #cybergrooming #pädophilie #selbstverletzung #ownvoice #EulchenSchreibt