Update: started with a spreadsheet, began contacting folks, eventually found a group already on the ground, joined up and am proceeding from there. #organizing #grossePointe #grossePointeSchoolBoard
#organizing #GrossePointe #grossepointeschoolboard
The public has to hold our elected officials accountable by organizing to ensure we're watching every meeting. Get serious about conservative activism before it builds steam. /End #xp #localPolitics #grossePointe #grossePointeSchoolBoard
#xp #localpolitics #GrossePointe #grossepointeschoolboard
That makes it easier to introduce activist initiatives in committee with fewer observers, then bring them to the Board at the 11th hour for a vote. It's a tactic for avoiding oversight. 5/ #xp #localPolitics #grossePointe #grossePointeSchoolBoard
#xp #localpolitics #GrossePointe #grossepointeschoolboard
This signals that the Board plans to do A LOT of business this year: the amount of available labor alone is staggering. But also, lots of action will take place outside of regular meetings. 4/ #xp #localPolitics #grossePointe #grossePointeSchoolBoard
#xp #localpolitics #GrossePointe #grossepointeschoolboard
Historically, the Board has had two subcommittees, Finance and Policy. Now, Facilities/Finance, Policy/Contracts, Curriculum,
Community Engagement. https://www.gpschools.org/Page/21787 3/ #xp #localPolitics #grossePointe #grossePointeSchoolBoard
#xp #localpolitics #GrossePointe #grossepointeschoolboard
Committees made up of no more than 3 board members plus ~6 chair-appointed community members. Finance/Facilities is seated, the rest are TBD; all its appointed members are men. 2/ #xp #localPolitics #grossePointe #grossePointeSchoolBoard
#xp #localpolitics #GrossePointe #grossepointeschoolboard
1st subcommittee meeting of the Grosse Pointe School Board last night. Four (!) committees will meet 2x a month. Total 10 meetings every month, more than any public observer could attend. 1/ #xp #localPolitics #grossePointe
#xp #localpolitics #GrossePointe
Right wing dark money captured my local school board race, and the new conservative majority is starting the year full steam ahead. How do I organize my community for power to oppose this minority-majority on the ground? #seriousQuestion #organizing #grossePointe
#seriousquestion #organizing #GrossePointe
If anyone tries to tell you that the history of #GrossePointe wasn’t really that bad, remember this shit: https://archive.org/details/originsofurbancr00thom/page/192/mode/2up