Happy to announce that our paper (ft. @jrfaller) "A of " has been accepted for publication in the Empirical journal! It is already available as a preprint at hal.telecom-paris.fr/hal-03976. In this paper, we observe and build a theory of organizations such as Community, , etc. that inspired me to create the Coq-community organization for the ecosystem.

#coq #voxpupuli #elm #softwareengineering #organizations #packagemaintenance #Community #GroundedTheory

Last updated 1 year ago

radioactivestardust · @bookstardust
470 followers · 1878 posts · Server bildung.social

I have a question, because i am not sure i will find the answer in literature.

The bones of the methodolgy seems to me to be the coding process, with it's different processes to follow along the research question and generate new data.

If a researcher would now not use that coding technique which is proposed by Strauss/Glaser would that study still be based on GT?

(i hope it's not a stupid question 🙈)

@sociology @sozialearbeit

#GroundedTheory #soziologie #sozialwissenschaften #research

Last updated 2 years ago

"Die Darstellung von künstlichem im " :: @koenitz findet "Konstruktionsprinzipien von |spotenzialen im Kontext einer komparativen " t.co/oLE6NQsv83 t.co/zujIrv4DhD

#leben #computerspiel #bildung #Methodologie #masseffect #GroundedTheory #dissertation

Last updated 2 years ago