Blev mindet om denne her post fra min ret hedengange blog. Den er lettere flabet, men vil muligvis lyse lidt op på din lørdag aften.
#Grundtvig #GrundtvigsForum #Anekdote #Fællessang #LeifGrane #Jubilæum #Erindring #Vartov #dkmastodon
#Grundtvig #grundtvigsforum #anekdote #fællessang #leifgrane #jubilæum #erindring #vartov #dkmastodon
This is your daily reminder that you have millions of friends and allies in the EU.
Also, I just did a public lecture about Grundtvig and Greenland at a Danish Folk High School. Interesting and challenging in so far as Grundtvig apparently knew very little about Greenland (and neither did I, alas). Interestingly, there seems to be something to learn from the topic regardless - such is the wonder of the human spirit.
#DailyReminder #greenland #Grundtvig
This is your new year's reminder that you have millions of friends and allies in the EU.
Also, today is New Year's Morning so I just have to tell you that you should read #Grundtvig's long poem of the same name. I spent forever trying to pick my way through it. You can spend a few good hours letting the images carry you forward. I'll post links in the following post.
Happy New Year!
#Grundtvig #DailyReminder #newyear
@Owlor Ok, so let me see what I can do with this off the top of my head.
It's a hugely interesting topic that could teach us much. Also it is probably on the intersection between my two main research topics, #Genre and #Grundtvig, but that's a theme for another day. 1/