The Tyee: Meet Canada’s Tofu Champions (in News) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #LifestreamNaturalFoods,Kitsilano #UniversityofBritishColumbia #RetailCouncilofCanadaAward #LeslieJoe,SunriseTofu #MedicineHat,Alberta #WakahayashiToufu-ya #MiyazakiToufu-mise #PeterJoe,Sunrise #SunriseSoyaFoods #Guangzhou,China #NamKee,TofuShop #ChibaToufu-ya #DonaldsMarket #SunriseMarket #TanakaTofu-ya #Hon’snoodles #KamWaiDimSum #MalkinAvenue
#BCNews #TheTyee #lifestreamnaturalfoods #UniversityofBritishColumbia #retailcouncilofcanadaaward #lesliejoe #medicinehat #wakahayashitoufu #miyazakitoufu #peterjoe #sunrisesoyafoods #Guangzhou #namkee #chibatoufu #donaldsmarket #sunrisemarket #tanakatofu #hon #kamwaidimsum #malkinavenue
The Tyee: China’s Big Canadian Mistake (in Analysis) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #GuangdongUniversityofForeignStudies #ChinaPresidentXiJinping #HuaweiCFOMengWanzhou #ElectionsCanada #Guangzhou,China #MayorKenSim
#BCNews #TheTyee #guangdonguniversityofforeignstudies #chinapresidentxijinping #huaweicfomengwanzhou #electionscanada #Guangzhou #mayorkensim
A terrible accident at a busy crossing in #Guangzhou, #China. Five people were killed and 13 injured when a SUV ran into a crowd.
[Video embedded in original tweet]
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China Eases ‘Zero Covid’ Restrictions in Victory for Protesters #Demonstrations,ProtestsandRiots #VaccinationandImmunization #CoronavirusOmicronVariant #Shutdowns(Institutional) #Coronavirus(2019-nCoV) #ChinaCentralTelevision #PoliticsandGovernment #CommunistPartyofChina #Guangzhou(China) #Shanghai(China) #Propaganda #XiJinping #Elderly #China
#Demonstrations #VaccinationandImmunization #CoronavirusOmicronVariant #Shutdowns #Coronavirus #ChinaCentralTelevision #PoliticsandGovernment #CommunistPartyofChina #Guangzhou #Shanghai #Propaganda #XiJinping #Elderly #China
The Chinese Dream, Denied #HumanRightsandHumanRightsViolations #Demonstrations,ProtestsandRiots #FactoriesandManufacturing #Shutdowns(Institutional) #Coronavirus(2019-nCoV) #AlibabaGroupHoldingLtd #PoliticsandGovernment #HubeiProvince(China) #TencentHoldingsLtd #Guangzhou(China) #Shanghai(China) #Shenzhen(China) #LaborandJobs #DengXiaoping #Quarantines #LiKeqiang #MaoZedong #XiJinping #Textiles #China
#HumanRightsandHumanRightsViolations #Demonstrations #FactoriesandManufacturing #Shutdowns #Coronavirus #AlibabaGroupHoldingLtd #PoliticsandGovernment #HubeiProvince #TencentHoldingsLtd #Guangzhou #Shanghai #Shenzhen #LaborandJobs #DengXiaoping #Quarantines #LiKeqiang #MaoZedong #XiJinping #Textiles #China
After Fanning Covid Fears, China Must Now Try to Allay Them #Coronavirus(2019-nCoV) #PoliticsandGovernment #Guangzhou(China) #Beijing(China) #Guangxi(China) #Quarantines #Propaganda #China
#Coronavirus #PoliticsandGovernment #Guangzhou #Beijing #Guangxi #Quarantines #Propaganda #China
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations /
JUST IN: Panyu district of #Guangzhou decides to lift all pandemic control areas. tianhe district free some communities.
the municipal government will hold a news briefing at 3:00 pm local time today.
🧵 #China: New COVID quarantine detention center with 87,000 beds was apparently built in #Guangzhou in 15 days.
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The great #historian of the #Chinese #MiddleAges #Tang #唐, Chen Yinke (or -que) #陳寅恪 (1890-1969), spent the last 20 years of his life in #Guangzhou #廣州. Chen, who had lost his eyesight during #middleage, used to take walks on this walkway in shining white concrete leading to his house, as he was still able to distinguish light and dark under the bright #Cantonese sun. I took these photos when I was studying Chinese and #philosophy at Sun Yat-sen University #中山大學 in Guangzhou from 2005 to 2007.
#historian #chinese #MiddleAges #Tang #唐 #陳寅恪 #Guangzhou #廣州 #middleage #Cantonese #philosophy #中山大學