Sunday's book of the day is:
#IRA #guerrilla #GuerrillaWarfare #warfare #Ireland
#ireland #warfare #GuerrillaWarfare #guerrilla #ira
Saturday's book of the day is:
#cheguevara #GuerrillaWarfare #war #warfare
#warfare #war #GuerrillaWarfare #cheguevara
@DikGelukkig sorry, I have been meaning to post pictures of the two belligerents. Will try to do this today.
Meanwhile, here’s another re-toot of a rhyme about them:
A nicked rhyme for (and written from the perspective of) Presto, the indoor/outdoor semi-feral cat, about his nemesis, Tommy Boy (a porch kitty who hates Presto):
Late last night,
and the night before,
Tommy Boy, Tommy Boy stalking by the door.
Want to go out; not sure ‘bout dat,
‘cause I’m afraid of Tommy Boy cat.
#cats #GuerrillaWarfare #rhyme
A nicked rhyme for Presto, the indoor/outdoor semi-feral cat, about his nemesis, Tommy Boy (a porch kitty who hates Presto):
Late last night,
and the night before,
Tommy Boy, Tommy Boy stalking by the door.
Want to go out; not sure ‘bout dat,
‘cause I’m afraid of Tommy Boy cat.
#cats #GuerrillaWarfare #rhyme
Sunviews by Sundiata Acoli
#BlackLiberationArmy, #Blackliberation, #revolutionaryarmedstruggle, #guerrillawarfare, #bookreviews, #politicaltheory, #politicalphilosophy, #prisonwritings, #Blacknationalism, #revolutionarynationalism, #prisonstruggles, #prisonersofwar, #politicalprisoners, #revolutionarysocialism, #politicalrepression, #staterepression, #armedstruggle, #revolutionaryguerrillawarfare
A must reading for all conscious people who want an indepth understanding of the movement for Black liberation, social justice and change."
- back cover
#BlackLiberationArmy #blackliberation #revolutionaryarmedstruggle #GuerrillaWarfare #bookreviews #politicaltheory #politicalphilosophy #prisonwritings #Blacknationalism #revolutionarynationalism #prisonstruggles #prisonersofwar #politicalprisoners #revolutionarysocialism #politicalrepression #staterepression #armedstruggle #revolutionaryguerrillawarfare
Selected articles from Right On! Black Community News Service by Right On!; Chango Caribe; Pedro Monges; Muhammad Abdulluh Malik Hassen; Dessaline; Denver Chicano Liberation Defense Committee; DCLDC; New Jersey State Chapter, Black Panther Party
#RightOn, #BlackPantherParty, #BlackLiberationArmy, #armedstruggle, #urbanguerrillawarfare, #revolutionaryjournalism, #journalism, #unitedstatesofamerika, #staterepression, #policerepression, #antiblackness, #revolutionarynationalism, #blacknationalism, #blackliberation, #portuguesecolonialism, #portugueseimperialism, #NATO, #NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization, #lumpenproletariat, #agitprop, #агитпроп, #guerrillawarfare, #revolutionaryarmedstruggle, #FTP, #ACAB, #prison, #urbanguerrillas, #BLA
A selection of pages from the Right On! Black Community News Service archives hosted by the Wisconsin Historical Society. Some (not all) of the included articles are:
#RightOn #blackpantherparty #BlackLiberationArmy #armedstruggle #urbanguerrillawarfare #revolutionaryjournalism #journalism #unitedstatesofamerika #staterepression #policerepression #antiblackness #revolutionarynationalism #Blacknationalism #blackliberation #portuguesecolonialism #portugueseimperialism #nato #NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization #lumpenproletariat #agitprop #агитпроп #GuerrillaWarfare #revolutionaryarmedstruggle #ftp #acab #prison #urbanguerrillas #bla
Trinidad & Tobago bulletin: National Union of Freedom Fighters / National United Freedom Fighters (NUFF) by Caribbean Monthly Bulletin
#TrinidadTobago, #TrinidadandTobago, #Trinago, #NUFF, #NationalUnionofFreedomFighters, #PeoplesNationalMovement, #PNM, #Caribbean, #armedstruggle, #guerrillawarfare, #antiimperialism, #urbanguerrillawarfare, #urbanguerrillas, #NationalUnitedFreedomFighters
Pages 5-9 of the Caribbean Monthly Bulletin 7.8 (October 1973) contain news items from Trinidad & Tobago. The update features a reprint of a February 1973 manifesto by the National Union of Freedom Fighters / National United Freedom Fighters (NUFF), a revolutionary guerrilla organization. It also excerpts another NUFF communiqué and reports on high-profile resignations from the People's National Movement (PNM), Trinago's ruling party.
#TrinidadTobago #trinidadandtobago #Trinago #NUFF #NationalUnionofFreedomFighters #PeoplesNationalMovement #PNM #caribbean #armedstruggle #GuerrillaWarfare #antiimperialism #urbanguerrillawarfare #urbanguerrillas #NationalUnitedFreedomFighters
O Meu Testemunho: uma luta, um partido, dois países by Aristides Pereira
#CaboVerde, #Guiné, #GuinéBissau, #PAIGC, #PartidoAfricanoparaaIndependênciadaGuinéeCaboVerde, #PAICV, #PartidoAfricanodaIndependênciadeCaboVerde, #socialismo, #África, #históriadaÁfrica, #autobiografia, #biografia, #CapeVerde, #GuineaBissau, #nacionalismo, #panAfricanismo, #lutaarmada, #descolonização, #antiblackness, #impérioportuguês, #colonialismoportuguês, #portuguese #colonialism, #armedstruggle, #guerrillawarfare, #guerradeguerrilhas, #revolução
Apadrinhada pela UNESCO, esta obra, de autoria de Aristides Pereira, ex-presidente de Cabo Verde, resulta do trabalho, executado pelo autor e por uma equipa de investigadores e historiadores, no âmbito do Projecto SPHAC (Salvaguarda do Património Histórico da África Contemporânea).
O seu objectivo, estudar a luta que o PAIGC travou pela libertação da Guiné e de Cabo Verde, constitui uma importante contribuição para a história dos dois países — como, aliás, o Prof. Joseph Ki-Zerbo, pai da historiografia africana, salienta no prefácio —, pois põe à disposição do grande público o resultado de uma interpretação interactiva das memórias de antigos combatentes cruzada com informações extraídas dos arquivos portugueses e do PAIGC.
#CaboVerde #Guiné #GuinéBissau #PAIGC #PartidoAfricanoparaaIndependênciadaGuinéeCaboVerde #PAICV #PartidoAfricanodaIndependênciadeCaboVerde #socialismo #áfrica #históriadaÁfrica #autobiografia #biografia #CapeVerde #GuineaBissau #nacionalismo #panAfricanismo #lutaarmada #descolonização #antiblackness #impérioportuguês #colonialismoportuguês #portuguese #colonialism #armedstruggle #GuerrillaWarfare #guerradeguerrilhas #revolução
They Called Us Brigands: The Saga of St. Lucia's Freedom Fighters by Robert J. Devaux; Patrick A.B. Anthony
#brigandage, #brigands, #Ioüanalao, #Iyonola, #Hewanarau, #Hewanorra, #StLucia, #SaintLucia, #LesserAntilles, #Caribbean, #Martinique, #Guadeloupe, #maroonage, #maroons, #marronage, #blackchattelslavery, #war, #guerrillawarfare, #guerrillawar, #guerrillas, #Caribbeanhistory, #NègMawon, #britishimperialism, #frenchimperialism, #colonialism
The Black freedom fighters of the Lesser Antilles became known as “brigands” during the french revolution. Their fascinating story has never been written, perhaps because they have been dismissed as runaway slaves in a state of insurrection. The author believed that history has been unfair to the “brigands”. He felt indebted to them for sparing the life of his great-great-great-grandmother who was left in their care when the rest of the Devaux family fled to Martinique for safety. His gratitude motivated him to attempt to exonerate the “brigands” from the stigma of their history and present them in a different light, as freedom fighters caught up in a desperate situation.
#brigandage #brigands #Ioüanalao #Iyonola #Hewanarau #Hewanorra #StLucia #SaintLucia #LesserAntilles #caribbean #martinique #guadeloupe #maroonage #maroons #marronage #blackchattelslavery #war #GuerrillaWarfare #guerrillawar #guerrillas #Caribbeanhistory #NègMawon #britishimperialism #frenchimperialism #colonialism
Capitalisme et nationalisme au Cameroun: au lendemain de la seconde guerre mondiale (1946-1956) by Martin-René Atangana
#Cameroon, #Cameroun, #Kamerun, #Africa, #Afrique, #colonialism, #colonialisme, #nationalism, #nationalisme, #WorldWar2, #WorldWarII, #independence, #politicalindependence, #guerrillawarfare, #UPC, #UniondespopulationsduCameroun, #Françafrique
Publications de la Sorbonne, Série Afrique, 9
#cameroon #cameroun #Kamerun #africa #afrique #colonialism #colonialisme #nationalism #nationalisme #WorldWar2 #worldwarii #independence #politicalindependence #GuerrillaWarfare #upc #UniondespopulationsduCameroun #françafrique
Thomas McCreary - Black Liberation Army History by Field Up Productions; Thomas McCreary
#ThomasMcCreary, #BlackLiberationArmy, #armedstruggle, #guerrillawarfare, #urbanguerrillawarfare, #urbanguerrillas, #unitedstatesofamerika, #history, #interview, #interviews
original YouTube upload here.
#ThomasMcCreary #BlackLiberationArmy #armedstruggle #GuerrillaWarfare #urbanguerrillawarfare #urbanguerrillas #unitedstatesofamerika #history #interview #interviews
African Women in Revolution by Wunyabari O. Maloba
#Africa, #Africanhistory, #antiimperialism, #armedstruggle, #antiblackness, #anticolonialism, #nationalliberation, #Algeria, #Kenya, #GuineaBissau, #revolution, #Mozambique, #Angola, #Zimbabwe, #SouthAfrica, #history, #feminism, #decolonisation, #womensliberation, #guerrillawarfare, #genderhistory
"This book is an ambitious, extensive and detailed analysis of the roles played by African women in seven revolutionary movements in post World War II Africa. The revolutionary movements covered in this book occurred in: Algeria, Kenya, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. The book describes and analyzes the nature and impact of women's participation in these revolutionary movements. How did these revolutionary movements define women's liberation? What is the linkage between feminist theories of liberation and national liberation? Did the national liberation movements betray women? And what has been the fate of the original commitments (and impulses) toward women's liberation and gender equality?"
#africa #Africanhistory #antiimperialism #armedstruggle #antiblackness #anticolonialism #nationalliberation #algeria #kenya #GuineaBissau #revolution #mozambique #angola #zimbabwe #southafrica #history #feminism #decolonisation #womensliberation #GuerrillaWarfare #genderhistory
The Decolonization of Portuguese Africa: Metropolitan Revolution and the Dissolution of Empire by Norrie MacQueen
#Angola, #Mozambique, #GuineaBissau, #CaboVerde, #CapeVerde, #GuinéBissau, #SãoToméandPríncipe, #SãoToméePríncipe, #SãoTomé, #Príncipe, #portugal, #MozambicanWarofIndependence, #FrentedeLibertaçãodeMoçambique, #FRELIMO, #CarnationRevolution, #EstadoNovo, #fascism, #portuguesecolonialism, #colonialism, #imperialism, #AngolanWarofIndependence, #LutaArmadadeLibertaçãoNacional, #MPLA, #UNITA, #FNLA, #PeoplesMovementfortheLiberationofAngola, #MovimentoPopulardeLibertaçãodeAngola, #NationalFrontfortheLiberationofAngola, #FrenteNacionaldeLibertaçãodeAngola, #UniãoNacionalparaaIndependênciaTotaldeAngola, #NationalUnionfortheTotalIndependenceofAngola, #GuineaBissauWarofIndependence, #PAIGC, #AfricanPartyfortheIndependenceofGuineaandCapeVerde, #PartidoAfricanoparaaIndependênciadaGuinéeCaboVerde, #MovementfortheLiberationofSãoToméandPríncipe, #MovimentodeLibertaçãodeSãoToméePríncipe, #MLSTP, #anticolonialism, #guerrillawarfare, #genocide, #antiblackness, #Africa, #revolution, #controlledopposition, #war, #politicalpolice, #slavercolonialism, #slavercolonizers, #portugueseempire, #antiimperialism, #armedstruggle
#angola #mozambique #GuineaBissau #CaboVerde #CapeVerde #GuinéBissau #SãoToméandPríncipe #SãoToméePríncipe #SãoTomé #Príncipe #portugal #MozambicanWarofIndependence #FrentedeLibertaçãodeMoçambique #FRELIMO #CarnationRevolution #EstadoNovo #fascism #portuguesecolonialism #colonialism #imperialism #AngolanWarofIndependence #LutaArmadadeLibertaçãoNacional #MPLA #UNITA #FNLA #PeoplesMovementfortheLiberationofAngola #MovimentoPopulardeLibertaçãodeAngola #NationalFrontfortheLiberationofAngola #FrenteNacionaldeLibertaçãodeAngola #UniãoNacionalparaaIndependênciaTotaldeAngola #NationalUnionfortheTotalIndependenceofAngola #GuineaBissauWarofIndependence #PAIGC #AfricanPartyfortheIndependenceofGuineaandCapeVerde #PartidoAfricanoparaaIndependênciadaGuinéeCaboVerde #MovementfortheLiberationofSãoToméandPríncipe #MovimentodeLibertaçãodeSãoToméePríncipe #MLSTP #anticolonialism #GuerrillaWarfare #genocide #antiblackness #africa #revolution #controlledopposition #war #politicalpolice #slavercolonialism #slavercolonizers #portugueseempire #antiimperialism #armedstruggle
The Revolt of African Slaves in Iraq in the 3rd/9th Century by Alexandre Popovic; Léon King; Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
#Zanj, #slaverevolts, #history, #Iraq, #ZanjRebellion, #AbbasidCaliphate, #ThawratalZanj, #زَنْج, #زنجي, #Basra, #Zanjrevolt, #antiblackness, #blackchattelslavery, #slavery, #imperialism, #guerrillawarfare, #antiblackracism
translation; originally published in french in 1976
#Zanj #slaverevolts #history #iraq #ZanjRebellion #AbbasidCaliphate #ThawratalZanj #زَنْج #زنجي #basra #Zanjrevolt #antiblackness #blackchattelslavery #slavery #imperialism #GuerrillaWarfare #antiblackracism
Pierre Mulele ou la seconde vie de Patrice Lumumba by Ludo Martens; F.E. Lumumba
#Kwilurebellion, #KwangoKwilu, #PierreMulele, #PatriceLumumba, #Congo, #colonialism, #neocolonialism, #guerrillawarfare, #leCongo, #peopleswar, #belgiancolonialism, #imperialism, #CongoKinshasa, #RépubliquedémocratiqueduCongo
french-language history of the Congolese anti-imperialist movement beyond the assassination of Patrice Lumumba.
#Kwilurebellion #KwangoKwilu #PierreMulele #patricelumumba #congo #colonialism #neocolonialism #GuerrillaWarfare #leCongo #peopleswar #belgiancolonialism #imperialism #CongoKinshasa #RépubliquedémocratiqueduCongo
The United States Occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934 by Hans Schmidt
#Haiti, #Ayiti, #unitedstatesofamerika, #slavery, #whitesupremacy, #history, #neocolonialism, #antiblackness, #colonialism, #Caribbean, #USMarines, #Marines, #UnitedStatesMarineCorps, #Citibank, #genocide, #counterinsurgency, #racism, #guerrillawarfare, #WoodrowWilson, #FranklinDelanoRoosevelt, #HerbertHoover, #CalvinCoolidge, #WarrenGamalielHarding, #laborhistory
Table of contents:
Foreword (Stephen Solarz, page ix)
Acknowledgments (page xvii)
1 Introduction (page 3)
2 Haiti before the Intervention (page 19)
3 The Decision to Intervene (page 42)
4 The Interverntion (page 64)
5 The Marines Take Charge (page 82)
6 Reorganization and Rationalization (page 108)
7 Racial and Cultural Tensions (page 135)
8 Uplift—The Prospects (page 154)
9 Uplift—Success and Failure (page 174)
10 Strikes and Riots (page 189)
11 Withdrawal (page 207)
12 Epilogue (page 231)
Notes (page 239)
Bibliography (page 285)
Index (page 299)
#haiti #Ayiti #unitedstatesofamerika #slavery #whitesupremacy #history #neocolonialism #antiblackness #colonialism #caribbean #USMarines #Marines #UnitedStatesMarineCorps #Citibank #genocide #counterinsurgency #racism #GuerrillaWarfare #WoodrowWilson #FranklinDelanoRoosevelt #HerbertHoover #CalvinCoolidge #WarrenGamalielHarding #laborhistory
Azania Combat: Official Organ of the Azanian People's Liberation Army (APLA) by Azanian People's Liberation Army
#Azania, #SouthAfrica, #antiapartheid, #armedstruggle, #guerrillawarfare, #AzaniaCombat, #AzaniaCommando, #AzanianPeoplesLiberationArmy, #APLA, #PanAfricanistCongressofAzania, #PanAfricanistCongress, #PAC
includes issues of both Azania Combat: Official Organ of the Azanian People's Liberation Army (APLA) and Azania Commando: PAC army in action, Supplement of Azania Combat.
#azania #southafrica #antiapartheid #armedstruggle #GuerrillaWarfare #AzaniaCombat #AzaniaCommando #AzanianPeoplesLiberationArmy #APLA #PanAfricanistCongressofAzania #PanAfricanistCongress #pac
Samora Machel: An African Revolutionary | Selected Speeches and Writings by Samora Moisés Machel; Barry Munslow; Michael Wolfers
#Mozambique, #SamoraMachel, #portuguesecolonialism, #Moçambique, #Mozambiki, #Msumbiji, #Muzambhiki, #guerrillawarfare, #neocolonialism, #Africa, #southernafrica, #anticolonialism, #FRELIMO, #FrentedeLibertaçãodeMoçambique, #peopleswar, #marxism
“Leader of Frelimo following Eduardo Mondlane's assassination in 1969, Machel was the architect of the guerrilla struggle against Portuguese colonial rule.”
#mozambique #SamoraMachel #portuguesecolonialism #Moçambique #Mozambiki #Msumbiji #Muzambhiki #GuerrillaWarfare #neocolonialism #africa #southernafrica #anticolonialism #FRELIMO #FrentedeLibertaçãodeMoçambique #peopleswar #marxism