Did you know? Do you care? I didn’t include the population of #Women in #Niger #BurkinaFaso #Mali #ECOWAS #Biden #bidenomics #news #Africa #Afrique #Russie #Russia #Children #LaceysHouse #ChildrensRights #Nigeria #Ghana #Senegal #Liberia #SierraLeone #CobaVerde #CapeVerde #Benin #Togo #guineabissau #guinée #TheGambia #France #HumanRights #womensrights
#women #niger #burkinafaso #mali #ecowas #biden #bidenomics #news #Africa #afrique #russie #Russia #children #laceyshouse #ChildrensRights #Nigeria #Ghana #senegal #Liberia #SierraLeone #cobaverde #CapeVerde #benin #Togo #GuineaBissau #guinee #thegambia #france #humanrights #WomensRights
Embaló ha esortato il nuovo premier a lavorare a stretto contatto con lui, dicendosi "aperto e disponibile" a collaborare con il nuovo governo. Da parte sua, Martins ha assicurato che lavorerà sodo per raggiungere gli obiettivi che il suo governo si è posto, compresa la riduzione dei prezzi dei beni di prima necessità, il miglioramento della commercializzazione degli anacardi e il miglioramento dell'istruzione e della salute.
Il Presidente Umaro Sissoco #Embaló (#MademG15|Centro-sinistra populista) ha nominato il nuovo Primo Ministro Geraldo #Martins (#PAIGC|Centro-sinistra pan-africano), dopo che la coalizione del suo partito ha ottenuto la maggioranza assoluta nelle elezioni dello scorso giugno.
#GuineaBissau #Embalo #mademg15 #Martins #PAIGC
#Elezioni #GuineaBissau
Risultati definitivi:
#PAIGC-#UM-#PCD-#PSD-#MDG|Sinistra: 54 seggi (+6)
#MademG15|Centro-sinistra populista: 29 (+2)
#PRS|Centro ruralista: 12 (-9)
#GWP|Sinistra: 6 (+6)
#APU|Centro-sinistra: 1 (-4)
Totale seggi: 102
Maggioranza: 52
Attuale governo (MademG15-PRS-APU): 42 (❌Maggioranza persa❌)
#elezioni #GuineaBissau #PAIGC #um #pcd #psd #mdg #mademg15 #prs #gwp #APU
#BirdLife international Response to the outbreak of avian flu in #Senegal, #Gambia, and #GuineaBissau. Around the world, High Pathogenic avian influenza (#H5N1) is causing mass mortality in wild #birds. The outbreak which began in 2021 is the worst avian influenza epidemic in history. The disease caused by a virus that has evolved in poultry farming, spreads via bird droppings, water, and direct contact. The current virus appears to have adapted to wild birds. https://www.birdlife.org/news/2023/05/24/response-to-the-outbreak-of-avian-flu-in-senegal-gambia-and-guinea-bissau/
#birdlife #senegal #gambia #GuineaBissau #H5N1 #birds
Frihetskampen i Guinea Bissau: Aspekter på en afrikansk revolution by Basil Davidson; Amílcar Cabral
#revolution, #GuineaBissau, #Västafrika, #antikolonialism, #antiimperialism, #rasism, #avkolonisering, #portugisiskaimperiet, #krig
'i denna bok redogör basil davidson för denna märkliga frihetskamp och diskuterar dess betydelse i större sammanhang.'
#revolution #GuineaBissau #vastafrika #antikolonialism #antiimperialism #Rasism #avkolonisering #portugisiskaimperiet #krig
Good timezone fediverse,
Today's song is Dissan Na M'bera by Super Mama Djombo.
Super Mama Djombo is a band from Guinea Bissau who sing in Guinea-Bissau Creole. The band was formed in the mid-1960s when the members were only children. Mama Djombo is the name of a spirit that many fighters appealed to for protection during Guinea-Bissau's War of Independence.
Their music is in a indigenous genre called Gumbe.
#music #GuineaBissau #supermamadjombo #gumbe #songoftheday
Happy to receive Minister for Foreign Affairs of #GuineaBissau @SuziCarlaBarbo1.
We reviewed our cooperation, including our fisheries agreement. We also discussed regional issues and the leading role of Guinea Bissau as current chair of the @ecowas_cedeao. #AUEU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JosepBorrellF/status/1622623737072713728
RT @JosepBorrellF: Happy to receive Minister for Foreign Affairs of #GuineaBissau @SuziCarlaBarbo1.
We reviewed our cooperation, including our fisheries agreement. We also discussed regional issues and the leading role of Guinea Bissau as current chair of the @ecowas_cedeao. #AUEU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_eeas/status/1622623880094294016
RT @cbajo
Durante décadas la antigua sede de la 1ª Escuadra en Bissau Velho, en #GuineaBissau 🇬🇼 representó la represión política y la infamia. Hace 10 años un grupo de ONG convirtieron esta comisaría, centro se detención y prisión en la fortaleza de los #DDHH
#Brasile #GuineaBissau
L'omologo guineense Umaro Sissoco #Embaló (#MademG15|Centro-sinistra), per discutere delle relazione bilaterali;
#brasile #GuineaBissau #Embalo #mademg15
Die Theorie als Waffe. Der revolutionäre Befreiungskampf in den portugiesischen Kolonien Afrikas by Amílcar Cabral; Peter Meyns; Wolfgang Schwiedrzick
#Antikolonialismus, #Dekolonisation, #Guerillakrieg, #Guerillakampf, #portugiesischekolonialgeschichte, #NATO, #organisationdesnordatlantikvertrags, #nordatlantikpaktorganisation, #portugal, #GuineaBissau, #GuineaB, #historischermaterialismus, #politischephilosophie, #revolution, #volkskrieg, #KapVerde, #PAIGC, #AfrikanischeParteifürdieUnabhängigkeitvonGuineaundKapVerde, #AfrikanischeUnabhängigkeitsparteivonGuineaundKapVerde
Amilcar Cabral, Grundiagen und Ziele der nationalen Befreiung in Bezug auf die Sozialstruktur
Der nationale Befreiungskampf in Guinea (B) und auf den Kapverdischen Insein
Wichtige Literatur
#Antikolonialismus #Dekolonisation #Guerillakrieg #Guerillakampf #portugiesischekolonialgeschichte #nato #organisationdesnordatlantikvertrags #nordatlantikpaktorganisation #portugal #GuineaBissau #GuineaB #historischermaterialismus #politischephilosophie #revolution #volkskrieg #KapVerde #PAIGC #AfrikanischeParteifürdieUnabhängigkeitvonGuineaundKapVerde #AfrikanischeUnabhängigkeitsparteivonGuineaundKapVerde
O Meu Testemunho: uma luta, um partido, dois países by Aristides Pereira
#CaboVerde, #Guiné, #GuinéBissau, #PAIGC, #PartidoAfricanoparaaIndependênciadaGuinéeCaboVerde, #PAICV, #PartidoAfricanodaIndependênciadeCaboVerde, #socialismo, #África, #históriadaÁfrica, #autobiografia, #biografia, #CapeVerde, #GuineaBissau, #nacionalismo, #panAfricanismo, #lutaarmada, #descolonização, #antiblackness, #impérioportuguês, #colonialismoportuguês, #portuguese #colonialism, #armedstruggle, #guerrillawarfare, #guerradeguerrilhas, #revolução
Apadrinhada pela UNESCO, esta obra, de autoria de Aristides Pereira, ex-presidente de Cabo Verde, resulta do trabalho, executado pelo autor e por uma equipa de investigadores e historiadores, no âmbito do Projecto SPHAC (Salvaguarda do Património Histórico da África Contemporânea).
O seu objectivo, estudar a luta que o PAIGC travou pela libertação da Guiné e de Cabo Verde, constitui uma importante contribuição para a história dos dois países — como, aliás, o Prof. Joseph Ki-Zerbo, pai da historiografia africana, salienta no prefácio —, pois põe à disposição do grande público o resultado de uma interpretação interactiva das memórias de antigos combatentes cruzada com informações extraídas dos arquivos portugueses e do PAIGC.
#CaboVerde #Guiné #GuinéBissau #PAIGC #PartidoAfricanoparaaIndependênciadaGuinéeCaboVerde #PAICV #PartidoAfricanodaIndependênciadeCaboVerde #socialismo #áfrica #históriadaÁfrica #autobiografia #biografia #CapeVerde #GuineaBissau #nacionalismo #panAfricanismo #lutaarmada #descolonização #antiblackness #impérioportuguês #colonialismoportuguês #portuguese #colonialism #armedstruggle #GuerrillaWarfare #guerradeguerrilhas #revolução
portuguese isn't most commonly spoken language in #GuineaBissau. (it's probably not even in the top 3.) but if you type 'guinea bissau languages' into google...
Gli impoveriti: The Last Twenty
"Gli ultimi 20" : gli incontri iniziano a Reggio Calabria il 22 luglio, proseguono a settemb
#bottegadelbarbieri #labottegadelbarbieri
#Appuntamenti #Articoli #Afghanistan #BurkinaFaso #Burundi #Ciad #Eritrea #Etiopia #evidenza #Gambia #GuineaBissau #Libano #Liberia #Malawi #Mali #Mozambico #Niger #RepubblicaCentrafricana #RepubblicaDemocraticadelCongo #SierraLeone #Somalia #Sud-Sudan #TheLast20 #Yemen
#yemen #TheLast20 #Sud #Somalia #sierraleone #repubblicademocraticadelcongo #RepubblicaCentrafricana #niger #mozambico #mali #malawi #Liberia #libano #GuineaBissau #gambia #evidenza #etiopia #eritrea #Ciad #burundi #burkinafaso #Afghanistan #articoli #appuntamenti #labottegadelbarbieri #bottegadelbarbieri
The Last Twenty
Non si tratta di Paesi “poveri” ma piuttosto “impoveriti” da sfruttamento coloniale, guerre e conflitti etnici, catastrofi climatich
#bottegadelbarbieri #labottegadelbarbieri
#Articoli #Afghanistan #BurkinaFaso #Burundi #Ciad #Eritrea #Etiopia #Gambia #GuineaBissau #Libano #Liberia #Malawi #Mali #Mozambico #Niger #RepubblicaCentrafricana #RepubblicaDemocraticadelCongo #SierraLeone #Somalia #Sud-Sudan #TheLast20 #Yemen
#yemen #TheLast20 #Sud #Somalia #sierraleone #repubblicademocraticadelcongo #RepubblicaCentrafricana #niger #mozambico #mali #malawi #Liberia #libano #GuineaBissau #gambia #etiopia #eritrea #Ciad #burundi #burkinafaso #Afghanistan #articoli #labottegadelbarbieri #bottegadelbarbieri
“Despite rhetoric supporting the principle of self-determination, #Por tugal's NATO allies, led by the #UnitedStates, increased their support for [portugal's wars against anti-colonial movements]. Even before the conflict broke out, the Western countries had begun to revamp and modernize Portugal's antiquated military. The United States provided fighter planes and bombers, helicopters, jet transports, B-52s, and chemical defoliants, and it trained more than 2,000 military personnel in counterinsurgency activity. West #Germany, whose military assistance was probably the largest, sold more than 200 jet planes and napalm, and #France offered armored cars, helicopters, warships, and ammunition, with loans backed by the government. The allies stipulated that the arms be used within the ‘NATO framework,’ but they acknowledged that they were powerless to prevent Lisbon from transferring the arms and munitions to #Mozambique, #Angola, and #GuineaBissau. At the same time, they rejected overtures from FRELIMO [Front for the Liberation of Mozambique] for humanitarian as well as military assistance.
#Por #unitedstates #germany #france #mozambique #angola #GuineaBissau
"while [Amílcar] Cabral’s work remains relatively obscure in the English-speaking world, as the author mentions in his preface, his “invisibility” is even more evident within the context of #GuineaBissau and the Lusophone or Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (#PALOP) countries in general. Among other factors, it is relevant that most of the works by and those dedicated to Cabral and the history of liberation in general are not yet included in most school curricula and university programs, which leaves signficant gaps in terms of a critical understanding of his overall political and theoretical contribution."