@Cityradler @bierfahrt Auf "offizelle" Weltrekorde sollte man eh nicht zuviel geben, die kann jede*r mit genügend Geld kaufen: https://www.watson.de/unterhaltung/tv/999847103-zdf-magazin-royale-boehmermann-entlarvt-guinness-world-records @zdfmagazin #guiness #worldrecords #weltrekord
#Guiness #worldrecords #weltrekord
Strange isn't it. English celebrate St Patrick's Day every year... but St George's Day just passes by. Must be because there's no alcohol associated with St George's Day. #StPatricksDay #Guiness
Acabo de probar la #Guiness Belga. Tiene unos pocos grados de alcohol más que la irlandesa (8 en lugar de 5). El sabor de una cerveza negra un poquito más picante.
Dos pulgares arriba para ella.
This is my last #Guiness tonight. I want to get in a couple of hours work in the morning before my son wakes
Um comboio, 100 carruagens, um recorde do mundo #Guiness, proeza da companhia Suíça 🇨🇭 #RhaetischeBahn 🚞 são quase 2km de comboio!
Usually "white people" are not really white and "black people" are not really black.
But sudanese model #Nyakim really is almost black and makes it into the #Guiness book of records for having the darkest #skin-tone on earth.