…and the frets are all on now. Need to do some fret end work to finish off the job.
#guitar #GuitarRepair #luthier
Hope all my friends in #florida , #Charleston and everywhere else are doing ok despite #idalia .
#idalia #charleston #florida #luthier #GuitarRepair #guitar
Well, I have finally gotten back to work on the EA-250 restoration after some necessary travel and…dare I say it?…a bout of COVID.
I have started installing the frets. The tangs must be trimmed since the neck has binding. It’s a most meticulous process.
#guitar #GuitarRepair #lutherie
#lutherie #GuitarRepair #guitar
Two things:
1) My really cool fret tang nipper came in today, works great!
2) I photographed a cool cloud.
#photography #weather #GuitarRepair
… and here is the finished yet unpolished stainless steel neck mounting plate for the EA-250 restoration. Stainless steel will polish up quite nicely I’ve found and so that’s why I picked it. I think Nickel plated steel would be spendy for just one part, didn’t check though.
#guitar #GuitarRepair #lutherie
#lutherie #GuitarRepair #guitar
Just a photo of me setting up my guitars in the Palais Borghèse in Paris before a show last Thursday. It's a weird job, being a musician.
The Palais Borghèse was once owned by Napoleon's sister, so I'm told. I was also told that the period chair behind me was worth a ridiculous amount of money, so I'm glad I'm not using it as a workbench !
#guitar #GuitarRepair #musician #band #RSVPBhangra #bhangra #Paris
#Paris #bhangra #RSVPbhangra #band #musician #GuitarRepair #guitar
I have not made much progress due to other duties, etc. That continues for 2 to 3 more weeks. I did reshape the top of the headstock a little, worked on preping the headstock veneer, and decided to see if some kanji decals might look nice (this being a Japanese made hollow body). The kanji between the pickups means “dream” and the ones above mean something like “Luck exists in the leftovers”. Seems fitting…
The parts are just set in place, lots to do yet.
#GuitarRepair #lutherie #guitar
Just a slight small wee problem discovered…
Original MIJ Matsumoku neck plate was countersunk for larger non-standard neck screws I can’t find. The neck plates aren’t standard issue either.
:-/ So I get to make a custom one…
SS304 on order (with some 1/8 thick 6-6 nylon sheet too…for nylon saddles should I want too try them.)
Delays, delays…
#lutherie #GuitarRepair #guitar
Trying to make sure I drill the neck mount holes juuuuust right…
(Pay no attention to the messy bench top)
#GuitarRepair #guitar #lutherie
Sorry, life prevented progress & posts.
But I have made some progress on my EA-250 rescue. I pulled all the frets from the replacement neck (they did a crappy fret job), repaired the resulting fret slot edge chips, reduced the the neck heel thickness to 1 inch per original, narrowed the heel by routing a 1/2 mm deep recess off each side (see photo). And I rounded the heel corners to a 9/16 inch radius. Have to fret next…
#lutherie #guitar #GuitarRepair
#GuitarRepair #guitar #lutherie
The neck I selected for the E-250 is in! It’s good, needs work but I knew that wound be the case. I had to shim the heel longer to get the 22nd fret where it needs to be. Done! Next I have to slim up the heel just a wee bit to fit the neck pocket just right.
Then, replace the nut (always need this I’ve found) and possibly re-fret (have to think sbout that…probably will…)
#GuitarRepair #lutherie #guitar
I finally found the time to put the top back on to the EA-250. Here are a couple of photos of it clamped up.
The neck is in route and only a few more parts to order. Next I’ll be working on binding repairs and winding the pickups.
#guitar #luthier #GuitarRepair
#GuitarRepair #luthier #guitar
Here is a photograph of the completed wiring harness sans pickups. It also shows the bottom side of the patch repairs. I ran out of braid covered wire and will have to order more for the pickups. This was the last job to finish before glueing the top back on. I’ll remove the wiring harness before I do that.
#GuitarRepair #luthier #guitar
Got some parts in and wanted to see how things fit…
After the wiring harness is done I’ll glue Rhee top back on. Must buy the neck…
#guitar #luthier #GuitarRepair
#GuitarRepair #luthier #guitar
Ok, here is another pic of the top. What’s new? I filled in more of the original pickup routes then cut them for P-90s. This shows the P90 bases being fit checked.
Used a moto tool to rough the routes in, then an exact-o-knife to trim to about a mm of final dimensions, then jewelers files to finish off. I figured making a router template & fixture would take me longer and it’s a one time job for a hobbyist.
Next: Drilling the P90 mounting holes…
#GuitarRepair #guitar #luthiery #luthier
1. Glued in the neck block.
2. Glued in two floating englmann spruce quarter sawn braces from the neck to tail block. I learned that these late 60’s early 70’s MIJ #Matsumoku thin lines usually have a neck joint flex issue. Found 1 #luthier that installed a floating rod from neck to tail block and reported success. Since I had the top off anyway, I’m trying this. #luthiery #guitar #GuitarRepair
#GuitarRepair #guitar #luthiery #luthier #matsumoku
Had to drill out a sheared tail piece screw. It almost went as planned :-/
#luthier #GuitarRepair #guitar
Some parts came in!
The P-90 kits are from Axs-R-Us ( https://www.axesrus.co.uk ) and look very nice. They have Casino specific Dog-ear P-90 metal covers with curved bottoms. On this MIJ EA-250 body, the bridge fits perfectly, the neck pickup side closest to the fretboard shows a small gap, but the other side fits perfectly on to the body too. I’m going to ignore that.
Much work to be done and the neck block came loose and has to be re-glued in place.
#guitar #GuitarRepair #lutherie
#lutherie #GuitarRepair #guitar
High stress day at work today. What's better than a random orbit sander at relieving stress? #guitarporn #guitarbuilding #thinlinetelecaster #telecastertuesday #homeworkshop #boutiqueguitars
#luthier #guitarrepair #customguitars #woodworking #telecaster
#guitarporn #guitarbuilding #thinlinetelecaster #telecastertuesday #homeworkshop #boutiqueguitars #luthier #GuitarRepair #customguitars #woodworking #telecaster
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