@KagroX An armed society is a polite society, especially when a bus passenger politely uses his gun to try and force his way off between stops and a bus driver politely pulls out his gun as a way of affirming a "no" response.
#GunFail #GunViolence
@KagroX An armed society is a polite society, especially when a bus passenger politely uses his gun to try and force his way off between stops and a bus driver politely pulls out his gun as a way of affirming a "no" response.
#GunFail #GunViolence
@KagroX The Founding Fathers clearly wanted Americans to be free to *choose* whether or not to shoot hundreds of unarmed civilians from a hotel room. Sure, we hope they don't, but we must allow them to choose for themselves. #GunFail
RT @Litzz11@twitter.com
Can't go to Walmart. Can't go to church. Can't go to a nightclub. Can't go to the movies.
Can't play basketball. #GunFAIL #NRAFail
RT @KagroX@twitter.com
I find out who won sporting events by reading about where people are wounded by celebratory gunfire. #GunFAIL https://twitter.com/sfdb/status/1589269543750598656