If you care about the welfare of America’s children, you’re not banning books, criminalizing drag queens, outlawing the teaching of history, and whitewashing violent insurrectionists who’ve attacked the U.S. Capitol to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
If you care about the welfare of America’s children, you’re voting to keep them educated, healthy, and in homes. And, for the keeping them healthy part, you’re voting for legislators who’ll pass meaningful gun safety laws.
If Republicans would protect America’s school children instead of their donations from the gun lobby, there’d be far fewer children maimed and murdered by preventable gun violence, and more happy, healthy children enjoying their LIVES, their liberty, and their pursuit of happiness.
#GunSafetyNow #GunSafetyLaws #GunControl #BanAssaultWeapons
#BanAssaultWeapons #guncontrol #GunSafetyLaws #GunSafetyNow