‘Where is safe?’: gun violence takes particular toll on mental health of Black Americans #gunviolence #violence #trauma #PTSD #GunViolenceCrisis
#GunViolenceCrisis #ptsd #trauma #violence #gunviolence
Moms Demand Action - #NH
#gunviolenceawareness #GunViolenceCrisis
#nh #gunviolenceawareness #GunViolenceCrisis #nhpolitics
Moms Demand Action - #NH
#gunviolenceawareness #GunViolenceCrisis
#nh #gunviolenceawareness #GunViolenceCrisis #nhpolitics
Moms Demand Action - #NH
#gunviolenceawareness #GunViolenceCrisis
#nh #gunviolenceawareness #GunViolenceCrisis #nhpolitics
@CNN Have lost all credibility pushing the #rightwing agenda. I honestly cannot remember the last time I read or watch anything from them.
As the next #uselection cycle rolls up they double down on Trump with a town hall. Giving oxygen to such toxicity is really great for US democracy guys..way to go!
#Democrats need to roll them sleeves up and get ready to fight. #GunViolenceCrisis #AbortionIsAHumanRight
Most of all tell the people how much better off they are in the present #Economy
#Economy #AbortionIsAHumanRight #GunViolenceCrisis #democrats #uselection #rightwing
Teen’s birthday party
Four dead in Alabama
Twenty-eight injured
#GunLawsSaveLives #GunViolenceCrisis
Teen’s birthday party
Four dead in Alabama
Twenty-eight injured
#GunLawsSaveLives #GunViolenceCrisis
As of today, the United States has had 147 mass shootings in 102 days.
#guns #gunviolence #GunViolenceArchive #GunViolenceCrisis #massshootings #massshooting #massshooter
#massshooter #massshooting #massshootings #GunViolenceCrisis #gunviolencearchive #gunviolence #guns
##ItsTheGuns #NRABloodMoney #NRAOwnsGOP #GOPTraitors #GunViolence #GunViolenceCrisis #GunSafetyNow #RepublicansAreTheProblem #RepublicansAreDestroyingAmerica
#RepublicansAreDestroyingAmerica #RepublicansAreTheProblem #GunSafetyNow #GunViolenceCrisis #gunviolence #goptraitors #NRAownsGOP #nrabloodmoney #itstheguns
Another place that isn't safe for kids in the US: gas stations. Nine kids shot in Georgia. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/boy-5-9-kids-injured-shooting-georgia-gas-station-rcna71323
#massshooting #GunViolenceCrisis
Another place that isn't safe for kids in the US: gas stations. Nine kids shot in Georgia. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/boy-5-9-kids-injured-shooting-georgia-gas-station-rcna71323
#massshooting #GunViolenceCrisis
Another place that isn't safe for kids in the US: gas stations. Nine kids shot in Georgia. https://apple.news/A_LUZIQFBRs2XQaIpxMansA
#massshooting #GunViolenceCrisis
American guns are wreaking havoc in Honduras
#JustSaying 🤨😡 #AbortionIsHealthcare #GunViolenceCrisis #VasectomiesPreventAbortions #MyBodyMyChoice #massshooting #NRAHasBloodOnTheirHands
#nrahasbloodontheirhands #massshooting #mybodymychoice #vasectomiespreventabortions #GunViolenceCrisis #abortionishealthcare #justsaying
He is also likely lose his job because of getting shot and hospitalized: “A victim of the mass shooting in Half Moon Bay, California told Gov. Gavin Newsom that he wanted to leave the hospital as quickly as possible to avoid high medical costs.” 🤬
#GunViolenceCrisis #HealthcareCrisis #SinglePayerNow
#GunViolenceCrisis #HealthcareCrisis #singlepayernow
We won tickets to a monster truck show. It was outdoors, a safe place to take our #HighRisk little. I knew the crowd we’d be in, that we’d be uncomfortable.
It was when I spotted the live action toy AR’s that I knew we had to go. Kids have monthly shooter drills in school. Why would a parent encourage their kid this way? Many kids had them. It breaks my heart.
#GunControl #GunViolenceCrisis
#GunViolenceCrisis #guncontrol #highrisk
We won tickets to a monster truck show. It was outdoors, a safe place to take our #HighRisk little. I knew the crowd we’d be in, that we’d be uncomfortable.
It was when I spotted the live action toy AR’s that I knew we had to go. Kids have monthly shooter drills in school. Why would a parent encourage their kid this way? Many kids had them. It breaks my heart.
#GunControl #GunViolenceCrisis
#GunViolenceCrisis #guncontrol #highrisk
The NRA has no shame.
#GunViolenceCrisis #BloodOnTheirHands
WHERE WERE THE GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS?! Kind of blows that b******* Theory out the window dudn't it?
#Illinois #GunViolenceCrisis #GunSafetyNow #GunReformNow #SaveUS #BanAssaultRifles #BanAutomaticFireArms #BanBumpstocks #RedFlag
#HelpUs #DoSomething
#dosomething #helpus #redflag #BanBumpstocks #BanAutomaticFireArms #BanAssaultRifles #SaveUS #gunreformnow #GunSafetyNow #GunViolenceCrisis #illinois