Saw the season finale of #GundamWitchFromMercury last night and:
1) never looking at tomato sauce or swatting bugs the same way again
2) this series apparently has decided to take after Utena in taking a dark turn, even if the violence is different
3) congratulations to Suletta Mercury for being scarier than Heero Yuy, Setsuna F. Seiei, and Mikazuki Augus, all while still being her adorable self.
@jennyrae #GundamWitchFromMercury is starting out as a fun high school story, but it's showing signs of getting to the heart-removal as of episode 6.
Watched all currently released episodes of #GundamWitchFromMercury and as a casual Gundam fan, I think it's one of the best series the franchise has done so far.
Whoever had the idea to toss #RevolutionaryGirlUtena, #Gundam, and #TheTempest into a blender and make the results into a show, I salute you.
#GundamWitchFromMercury #revolutionarygirlutena #gundam #TheTempest