Das war jetzt eine echte Überraschung. Was für tolle Bilder. Gunpowder Milkshake. Ein kleines Kunstwerk. 🎥🍿 #Filmtipp #GunpowderMilkshake https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8368408/
I had heard only -ish reviews about the #movie #GunpowderMilkshake, but after having ignored similar reviews about #GunsAkimbo, #ShootEmUp and #Mayhem decided to give it a try
Watched the first part during my #workout and wow - it's a pure #actionmovie from the jump and a whole lot of fun - really made my workout fly by..
Now I'm torn on finishing it off tonight or saving the other half for tomorrow's #elliptical time.
But so far, nothing but #ThumbsUp from me! 😬
#moviestodon #thumbsup #elliptical #actionmovie #workout #mayhem #shootemup #Gunsakimbo #GunpowderMilkshake #movie
Casting Freya Allan as the young version of Karen Gillan is probably one of the greatest casting choices in recent years.
Casting Freya Allan as the young version of Karen Gillan is probably one of the greatest casting choices in recent years.
#GunpowderMilkshake war spitze! Ein durchgeknallter Actionfilm in dem Karen Gillan nicht zimperlich zur Sache geht, einiges Blut spritzt und auch schon mal ein Körperteil durch die Gegend fliegt 😁👏🏻 Der ausgefallene Soundtrack gefiel mir auch sehr gut!
Ich hatte viel Spaß!
That was very entertaining (:*
Watching #GunpowderMilkshake
So far, so much better than that rubbish I was watching the other night.
Think I'll watch #JungleCruise or #GunpowderMilkshake tomorrow. They have, surely, got to be better than what I just gave up watching tonight. Night all, have a good weekend (:*
#junglecruise #GunpowderMilkshake
As long as you can stand the sight of a lot of blood, I recommend Netflix's Gunpowder Milkshake movie.
Stars: Karen Gillan, Lena Headley, Carla Gugino, Michelle Yoeh, & Angela Bassett.
Don't mess with these ladies.
Includes shades of Leon: The Professional.