Time for a short #bookReview 📖
I finished reading #TheDawnOfEverything by D. #Graeber and D. #Wengrow.
It's quite a long book that took me way more than a month to go through, but worth the read and the last fifth of the book, post conclusion, is notes and references that can be skipped without losing too much. Overall very interesting, I warmly recommend it, even if some chapters were going a little too deep into the archeological record for my non-specialist tastes.
It was illuminating, specially as I had previously read #GunsGermsAndSteel by J. #Diamond and #Sapiens by Y. N. #Harari, both very popular books, and both adopting a very deterministic view of past human history.
I'm not 100% convinced by the interpretations of Graeber & Wengrow, but they appear to make a real honest effort at understanding our past, they base their reflections on recent archeological records, and present a much more nuanced "story of the human civilizations" than the previously cited books.
The book doesn't really provide any actionnable advice on how we should collectively go forward, but at least it tries to set the record straight on what was previously attempted ... with various level of success.
#sapiens #harari #bookreview #TheDawnOfEverything #GunsGermsandSteel #graeber #wengrow #diamond
#人类简史 这本书还真是受欢迎啊,图书馆42本audio全部在借!结合那一本#GunsGermsAndSteel #枪炮病菌钢铁,一起看能更好地理解这两本书。
#人类简史 #RLW #GunsGermsandSteel #枪炮病菌钢铁
Physicists and chemists can formulate universal deterministic laws at the macroscopic level, but biologists and historians can formulate only statistical trends.
#GunsGermsandSteel 里的解释,很有道理。
(想写篇小essay😅 )
1) Continental differences in the wild plant and animal species available as starting materials for domestication.
2) Rates of diffusion and migration, which differed greatly among continents
3) Diffusion between continents
4) Continental differences in area or total population size
#读书笔记 #GunsGermsandSteel
Leo Tolstoy (列夫·托尔斯泰)的《安娜·卡列尼娜》里的名句:"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."已经被总结为一种“原则”,用来描述很多其他领域,例如动物的驯化,需要满足诸多条件,缺一不可:
1. Diet(不能吃太多,不能太挑食,前者例子:肉食动物,后者例子:考拉)
2. Growth rate(不能长太慢,比如象)
3. Problems of captive breeding(能在养殖条件下繁殖。有的动物,比如猎豹,必须在野外激烈追逐后雌性才会排卵)
4. Nasty Disposition(不能太暴躁,例子:grizzly bear, African buffalo)
5. Tendency to panic(太容易受惊吓的不行,比如gazelles)
6.Social Structure(要能听话和顺从,适应群居。猫和雪貂就比较特立独行)
#读书笔记 #GunsGermsandSteel #AnnaKareninaPrinciple
smallpox, measles, influenza, plague, tuberculosis, typhus, cholera, malaria, and others
(唯一)起源于美洲大陆(pre-Columbian Native American societies)的传染病:nonsyphilitic treponemas.
1. Examples of Early Major Crop Types around the Ancient World
2. A mere dozen species account for over 80 percent of the modern world's annual tonnage of all crops. Those dozen blockbusters are the cereals wheat, corn, rice, barley, and sorghum; the pulse soybean; the roots or tubers potato, manioc, and sweet potato; the sugar sources sugarcane and sugar beet; and the fruit banana.
#读书笔记 #GunsGermsandSteel
1. Factors Underlying the Broadest Pattern of History
2. Centers of origin of food production
3. Examples of Species Domesticated in Each Area
#读书笔记 #GunsGermsandSteel
1. The spread of humans around the world.
2. Polynesian island societies differed greatly in their economic specialization, social complexity, political organization, and material products, related to differences in population size and density, related in turn to differences in island area, fragmentation, and isolation and in opportunities for subsistence and for intensifying food production.)