Gurugram man ‘commits suicide’on Instagram Live #Gurugram #‘commits #InstagramLive #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #instagramlive #Gurugram
Gurugram: Seven people from Korean embassy rescued after fire breaks out in flat #Gurugram #Seven #Korean #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #korean #Seven #Gurugram
Gurugram: Youths thrash CNG pump workers after argument over payment, two nabbed #Gurugram #Youths #CNG #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #cng #youths #Gurugram
After Nuh Violence, Farmers and Khap Panchayats in Mewat Stand Up Against Hate
Since July 31, farmers have held three major meetings in the region to counter the communal build-up in Haryana. Besides, over 20 Khap panchayat meetings have been held since anti-Muslim violence rocked Nuh and Gurugram.
#haryana #rajasthan #nuh #gurugram #HaryanaViolence #HinduMobs #KhapPanchayats #muslims #india
#haryana #rajasthan #nuh #Gurugram #haryanaviolence #hindumobs #khappanchayats #muslims #india
On behalf of #SiemensDISW, it was an #honour to have attended the #newofficeinauguration of our dear #partners #ExcelDesignTechnologies on August 23, 2023 at #Gurugram.
#ManyCongratulations to #ManojMehta, #AkshayMehta and the #ExcelDesignTechnologiesteam.
#Thankyouforinvitingus on this #lovelyoccasion.
We have been #pleased to witness the #growth of your company over the past years.
We #wish and #lookforward to your #continuedgrowth and #success.
#Cheeringyouon #Alltheverybest
#alltheverybest #cheeringyouon #success #continuedgrowth #lookforward #wish #growth #pleased #lovelyoccasion #thankyouforinvitingus #exceldesigntechnologiesteam #akshaymehta #manojmehta #manycongratulations #Gurugram #exceldesigntechnologies #partners #newofficeinauguration #honour #siemensdisw
How India's Bulldozers Became a Vehicle of Injustice
In many BJP-governed states, especially in northern India, demolition drives have not only become a common tactic to quash Muslim dissent, but bulldozers have evolved as a Hindu-nationalist symbol. They feature during election victories, in parade floats in both India and abroad, on packets of chips, and in several Hindu nationalist anthems.
#BJP #bulldozers #demolitions #CollectivePunishment #CommunalViolence #muslims #islamophobia #HaryanaViolence #nuh #gurugram #BJPStates #hindutva #HinduNationalism #india
#BJP #Bulldozers #demolitions #collectivepunishment #communalviolence #muslims #islamophobia #haryanaviolence #nuh #Gurugram #bjpstates #hindutva #HinduNationalism #india
Demolitions as state-sanctioned collective punishment
Abandoning the rule of law for ‘bulldozer justice’ is the first step towards an authoritarian society where ensuring a person’s safety, life and liberty will be at the whims and fancies of state officials, writes Gautam Bhatia.
#haryana #HaryanaViolence #nuh #gurugram #CommunalViolence #demolitions #bulldozers #CollectivePunishment #HaryanaGovt #muslims #islamophobia #hindutva #BJP #india
#haryana #haryanaviolence #nuh #Gurugram #communalviolence #demolitions #Bulldozers #collectivepunishment #haryanagovt #muslims #islamophobia #hindutva #BJP #india
Haryana khaps, farm unions demand arrest of Monu Manesar at mahapanchayat
Khaps, farmer unions, and religious leaders in Haryana hold mahapanchayat to address Nuh communal violence, pass resolutions for peace and harmony.
#haryana #HaryanaViolence #MonuManesar #CommunalViolence #hindutva #muslims #khaps #nuh #gurugram #india
#haryana #haryanaviolence #monumanesar #communalviolence #hindutva #muslims #khaps #nuh #Gurugram #india
Haryana: Resolutions banning entry of Muslims traders withdrawn after authorities send show-cause notice
On August 3 and 4, around 50 village panchayats from three districts collectively signed boycott letters against Muslim traders, renting houses to Muslims.
#haryana #HaryanaViolence #nuh #gurugram #CommunalViolence #HinduMobs #MuslimTraders #muslims #panchayats #mahendargarh #jhajjar #rewari #hindutva #india
#haryana #haryanaviolence #nuh #Gurugram #communalviolence #hindumobs #muslimtraders #muslims #panchayats #mahendargarh #jhajjar #rewari #hindutva #india
Sudarshan News Resident Editor arrested over misleading tweet: Gurugram police #SudarshanNewsResidentEditor #Gurugram #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #Gurugram #sudarshannewsresidenteditor
'We Realise Their Importance Now': Gurugram Struggles After Muslim Migrants Flee
Cleaners at posh societies, carpenters and barbers —Muslims migrants can be pivotal to the city's daily functioning.
#haryana #gurugram #HaryanaViolence #MuslimMigrants #MigrantWorkers #MigrantLabourers #ResidentWelfareAssociations #RWAs #labour #CommunalViolence #hindutva #BJP #nuh #india
#haryana #Gurugram #haryanaviolence #muslimmigrants #migrantworkers #migrantlabourers #residentwelfareassociations #rwas #labour #communalviolence #hindutva #BJP #nuh #india
50 panchayats in 3 Haryana districts issue letters barring entry of Muslim traders
Most of the villages barely have any residents from the minority community, with a few exceptions of families that have been living for three to four generations. "We don't intend to hurt anyone's religious sentiments," the letters read.
#haryana #HaryanaViolnce #nuh #gurugram #rewari #mahendergarh #jhajjar #muslims #EconomicBoycott #hindutva #panchayats #HinduMobs #CommunalViolence #BJP #india
#haryana #haryanaviolnce #nuh #Gurugram #rewari #mahendergarh #jhajjar #muslims #economicboycott #hindutva #panchayats #hindumobs #communalviolence #BJP #india
Gurugram: Threats, 'economic boycotts' force Muslim traders to flee #Gurugram #Threats # #Muslim #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #muslim #Threats #Gurugram
Stone pelted at meat shop in Gurugram, police rule out communal angle #Stone #Gurugram # #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #Gurugram #stone
'Buildings Of Particular Community Brought Down As Exercise Of Ethnic Cleansing?' : Punjab & Haryana High Court Asks On Nuh-Gurugram Demolitions
While staying the demolition drive carried out by the Haryana authorities in communal violence-hit Nuh and Gurugram, the Punjab & Haryana High Court made certain strong critical observations.
#haryana #HaryanaViolence #nuh #gurugram #demolitions #displacement #VHP #BJP #BajrangDal #HaryanaGovt #HinduMobs #PunjabAndHaryanaHC #CommunalViolence #hindutva #india
#haryana #haryanaviolence #nuh #Gurugram #demolitions #displacement #vhp #BJP #Bajrangdal #haryanagovt #hindumobs #punjabandharyanahc #communalviolence #hindutva #india
Mazar set on fire in Gurugram #Mazar #Gurugram #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #Gurugram #mazar
Rage, Riots & State-Led Retribution: Reconstructing Haryana’s Week Of Violence
After six people in a religious procession—infiltrated by Hindu extremists wielding swords and firing guns—were killed in an attack by Muslims, four Muslims died in retaliation. As rioting reached Delhi’s doorstep, hundreds of Muslims fled or stayed away from work. Then, the State stepped in, detaining nearly 150 Muslims, including minors, and demolishing Muslim properties. Article14 visited a terrorised village emptied of Muslim men, while Islamophobic rallies continued unhindered, and the cow vigilantes who incited the armed mob stayed free, one facing charges of killing Muslims.
#haryana #HaryanaViolence #nuh #gurugram #delhi #muslims #HinduMobs #BJP #VHP #vandalism #bulldozers #HaryanaGovt #hindutva #india
#haryana #haryanaviolence #nuh #Gurugram #delhi #muslims #hindumobs #BJP #vhp #vandalism #Bulldozers #haryanagovt #hindutva #india
Gurugram Hindu groups call for boycott of Muslims
The villagers claimed that the men named in the mosque attack were innocent and issued an ultimatum for the names to be dropped.
#haryana #gurugram #HaryanaViolence #BajrangDal #HinduMobs #muslims #hindutva #BJP #CommunalViolence #india
#haryana #Gurugram #haryanaviolence #Bajrangdal #hindumobs #muslims #hindutva #BJP #communalviolence #india
‘We walked straight into their trap’: As dust settles, fear and regret in Haryana’s Nuh
Observers say what happened in Nuh on Monday was a manifestation of Muslims losing faith in the institutions that are supposed to protect citizens.
#haryana #nuh #HaryanaViolence #sohna #gurugram #HinduMobs #VHP #BJP #BajrangDal #MonuManesar #BittuBajrangi #NasirJunaid #lynching #CowVigilantism #vandalism #hindutva #india
#haryana #nuh #haryanaviolence #sohna #Gurugram #hindumobs #vhp #BJP #Bajrangdal #monumanesar #bittubajrangi #nasirjunaid #lynching #cowvigilantism #vandalism #hindutva #india
Security enhanced in Gurugram in view of Friday namaz, Nuh SP transferred #Security #Gurugram #Friday #NuhSP #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #nuhsp #friday #Gurugram #Security