Habe keine Erfahrung mit Huawei. Aber wenn die angebotenene Huawei Teile #Modbus können dann gibt es für #HomeAssistant über #hacs die #Huawei #Solar Integration.
#modbus #homeassistant #HACS #huawei #solar #homeautomation #pv
@dictvm I recall seeing a #HACS integration for #homeassistant that lets you specify a single light that controls several lights at once, including ramping up in steps, but I can't find it now...
@pugmiester @ScottE @slackerlabs in lots of places in The Netherlands you can check a waste collection calendar, that someone integrated into a #homeassistant #HACS plug-in. I, too, have input booleans that indicate that waste is to be picked up, and a few more to indicate if the bin is in or out. And huge (7") QR code stickers on the bins to toggle in- and outside. And a nagging alert on my clock to tell me to take the bin out...
Tip of the night: fake a Mushroom Update card for #HACS in #HomeAssistant with a Mushroom Template card. The first 3 cards here are update ones while the last is a template that uses the value of sensor.hacs.
Tip of the night: fake a Mushroom Update card for #HACS in #HomeAssistant with a Mushroom Template card. The first 3 cards here are update ones while the last is a template that uses the value of sensor.hacs.
@viq @agturcz you do! Especially if have dogs/cats at home. S5 was my wife's favorite device until dethroned by Viomi S9 S5 now cleans upstairs while S9 takes care of downstairs.
Just don't get too excited about mopping Viomi is tad better but still it's not that great. Also Viomi is not directly supported (there are #HACS integrations available). I still haven't figured out how to make it clean rooms 😐
Other than that we're very satisfied with both 🙂
@agturcz No worries I'm no expert too 😄
I've also did some digging and my conclusions are similar. One difference is that OT doesn't use On/Off method (but many of OT gateways can use this method if boiler doesn't support OT; this might be less efficient). From what I've seen central units always have temperature sensors (either integrated or external be it wired or wireless). If you meant outside temperature sensor from what I gather those are connected directly to boiler and in OT you may choose if outside temp is taken into "calculations".
I've also looked at those central units. #HomeAssistant integration seems to be focused on DIY found here: http://ihormelnyk.com/opentherm_adapter (or based on his schematics). Now the comercially available ones talk to vendor owned cloud-based solution and rather don't expose local endpoints to monitor/control OT/boiler combo :( For example I've found this: https://www.elektrobock.cz/en/wifi-thermostat/p1794 and tho it looked promising I've got hard no when asked if it can cooperate with #HomeAssistant.
I've contacted Termet too but am still waiting for response (and somehow I don't hold my breath).
I know about #HACS (I've been using #HomeAssistant for some 4years now) but there is nothing there. I found this https://github.com/mariusz-ostoja-swierczynski/tech-controllers outside of HACS (and it's HACS aware so no problem in manually adding repo). It's cloud-based and doesn't mention ST-2801 (should work IMHO).
So, right now, I'm somewhat unable to make decision. Most probably I'll go with ST-2801 (and above mentioned integration) plus some #zigbee TRVs.
I'm tempted to get something like https://diyless.com/product/opentherm-thermostat but I'm afraid WAF can be significantly lower than expected (on the other hand... i'm pretty sure she want be touching this at all).
More "interconnected" solutions seems to be overpriced when compared to achieved results.
How is that Plugwise thingy going?
(sorry it took me so long; that's literally like 4th time I'm writing all this 😀
Ärh! #Tuya #IOT alustan kokeilujakso oli mennyt umpeen huomaamatta. Nyt puuttuu dataa ikävästi lokakuun lopulta.
Pitänee kokeilla miten tuon saa paikallisena #HomeAssistant palikkana. #HACS'ista jo nyppäsin integraation - pitää vaan odotella että tilaus päivittyy Tyuan puolelta.
#HACS #homeassistant #iot #Tuya
@jitteringrunt @zrail the core integrations gave me a near unmanageable number of entities.
Then I installed #HACS... 😂
If your #homeassistant #Tuya integration has gone wonky this solution worked for me:
I had to unlink/relink devices/account to get things to work, others have been successful by just performing the trial period extension step.
Now it's time to install the #localtuya integration from #HACS to get rid of cloud dependence entirely.
#homeassistant #tuya #localtuya #HACS