RT Eurosurveillance
Our new issue marking #WorldHepatitisDay2023 is out with data on #HCV and #HBV in 🇬🇪 and updated #hepatitis B prevalence estimates for the 🇪🇺🇳🇴🇮🇸 🇱🇮 🇬🇧
#WHD #HepatitisDay23 #NoHep #OneLifeOneLiver #publichealth #epidemiology #SDG3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Eurosurveillanc/status/1684582287776555009
#WorldHepatitisDay2023 #HCV #HBV #hepatitis #WHD #HepatitisDay23 #NOhep #OneLifeOneLiver #publichealth #Epidemiology #SDG3
RT Eurosurveillance
Re This #WorldHepatitisDay, researchers from @HPRU_BSE @BristolUni & @ECDC_EU provide new estimates on #HepB prevalence in #Europe
Who are the key populations affected by #HBV?
🌐 https://bit.ly/EUS2830HepB
#WorldHepatitisDay2023 #HepatitisDay23 #OneLifeOneLiver #HepatitisDay23
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Eurosurveillanc/status/1684841493532409856
#WorldHepatitisDay #hepB #Europe #HBV #WorldHepatitisDay2023 #HepatitisDay23 #OneLifeOneLiver
Our new paper on the long-term impact of opioid manufacturers targeted marketing to docs in states with high cancer burdens in the 1990s. 25 years later: more deaths from hepatitis and infective endocarditis. #opioids #Purdue #OcyContin #HCV #HBV #endocarditis #epidemiology #causalinference
#opioids #purdue #ocycontin #HCV #HBV #endocarditis #epidemiology #causalinference
RT @EuropeanCancer: It’s World Immunisation Week! 📣
#Vaccination is key to eliminating infectious diseases & promoting #health in the #EU👉
We support vaccination against cancer-causing viruses such as #HPV and #HBV➡ https://t.co/dpv9xs6PBr
#EIW2023 #HPVelimination #WorldImmunisationWeek https://t.co/gLsDnRUftn
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1650478224965615616
#vaccination #health #EU #HPV #HBV #EIW2023 #HPVelimination #worldimmunisationweek
RT @vaccelerate_eu: Healthcare worker? Your data is needed to improve the #HBV #HepatitisB virus treatment in children under 12 yrs and adolescents between 12 and 18 yrs.
Support @Penta_ID by participating in this online survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/survey-closed?sm=V0jmNaAfVEgRt9HlxTyVUQIpgYJ0EolCqk1xY9UeZExMz5zONqdKKmPlthGtMB_2FQ0m0amX25NcheFFHuXcLbJc_2FetWLqICvk7p6JWda1iBQ_3D
Deadline is 20 April 2023. Please RT.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_HaDEA/status/1648586400181231616
CDC Publishes Updated Hepatitis B Screening and Testing Guidelines
All adults should be screened for hepatitis B at least once
📌 A new recommendation from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says all adults should be screened at least once in their lifetime for hepatitis B, an illness that’s linked to liver disease and cancer.
Nice piece - #hepatitisB / #HBV not to be forgotten
RT @Eurosurveillanc: Our new issue is available
#Hepatitis #HBV #HCV #surveillance
#AMR #parasites #foodsafety #animalhealth #AntimicrobialResistance #IDTwitter #epidemiology #publichealth
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECDC_EU/status/1623707509105086469
#hepatitis #HBV #HCV #surveillance #AMR #parasites #foodsafety #AnimalHealth #AntimicrobialResistance #IDTwitter #Epidemiology #publichealth
RT @EuroTestWeek: Join us for 2 @ECDC_EU webinars: 18 & 28 Oct!
🟢18/10: Webinar on testing and care of #HBV #HCV among migrant populations in the EU/EEA - https://eva.ecdc.europa.eu/course/view.php?id=721
🔵28/10: Webinar on current & upcoming POC testing technologies & the impact on sexual health -https://eva.ecdc.europa.eu/course/view.php?id=661
The #COVID19 pandemic had wide-reaching negative impacts on hepatitis services in the EU/EEA region.
Most countries reported impacts of the pandemic on clinic visits for routine care, testing for #HBV and #HCV, and the provision of community-based services.
#COVID19 #HBV #HCV #WorldHepatitisDay
RT @EuropeLiver: It’s better to know your status as soon as possible because today, people with #HBV can live with a long life expectancy, and those with #HCV can be cured. Get tested!
#WorldHepatitisDay #Endhep #LiverTwitter @EU_Health
@WHO_Europe @EATGx @Hep_Alliance #NOhep #LiverCancer
#HBV #HCV #WorldHepatitisDay #Endhep #LiverTwitter #NOhep #LiverCancer
RT @EuropeLiver: The Covid-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on testing levels. This has caused the number of undiagnosed infections and late diagnosis to rise. @EuroTestWeek #EuroTestWeek #TestTreatPrevent #ILC2022 #Endhep @ECDC_EU @ECDC_HIVAIDS @EU_Health @SKyriakidesEU #LiverCancer #HCV #HBV
#EuroTestWeek #TestTreatPrevent #ILC2022 #Endhep #LiverCancer #HCV #HBV