Leonard/Janis Robert König · @ljrk
391 followers · 14513 posts · Server todon.eu

I've learnt that and S/PDIF while don't provide the same bandwidth for than 1.0. It feels weird though to connect any non-video media player to my through... HDMI. Is there some digital standard that basically is HDMI sans ?

This would be especially useful since while my amp does have HDMI input it is a bit... picky and despite pass-through enabled it reduces the video quality to FHD only in a setup like [source]->[amp]->[sink]. So currently I'm splitting the HDMI into video (HDMI again) and audio (TOSLINK or S/PDIF) and feed only the latter to the amp.

I acknowledge that the difference b/w S/PDIF and HDMI audio is probably not audible to me, but it annoys me in great detail nonetheless, that there seems to be no non-video connector for digital audio on par of HDMI. I wonder when we'll be connecting computer speakers to the PC via HDMI...

#toslink #digital #audio #HDMI #amp #video #digitalaudio #spdif #hifi

Last updated 1 year ago

Joerg Jaspert :debian: · @Ganneff
196 followers · 562 posts · Server fulda.social

Hahumm, how do I get to save window positions per monitor?
Thing is, I have the internal laptop screen, and an external one. Internal is 4k, external is 5k. Usually I only use external.

Now, I have an switch, and whenever I switch to a different input, thinks the external monitor is gone missing. It turns on the internal one (annoying already), but as that is only 4k, it moves all windows around.
Now when I switch back, the external comes back, internal gets turned off.

But all window positions are gone. Instead of being on the middle, left, all over where I left them, they all crowd on the right side. And I have to press keys, on all virtual desktops, to get things back to useful.

Each and every time. (Except for the window, that stays where it is, but it is the only one. Whyever.)

I probably could script myself something using wmctrl, I guess, but meh, I would expect a Window Manager to be able to deal with that on its own. But can't find the right setting.

#kde #HDMI #emacs

Last updated 1 year ago

Reviving my love for the I was looking for a good way to connect it to my flat panel with

This box is pure epicness: beharbros.com/akura

It even adds if needed.

#dreamcast #HDMI #scanlines #sega #retrogames #retrogamer #retrogamig #gaming

Last updated 1 year ago

I am starting now with another console to be collected. And it's one that I really love:

I bought this console at the release here in but sold my whole collection when I moved out of my parent's flat.

Found a lovely, almost new console. I bought the box beharbros.com/akura that I can play it conveniently on my flat panel.

#dreamcast #germany #akura #HDMI #retrogaming #retrogames #retrogamer #sega

Last updated 1 year ago

Okay, ich brauche etwas .

Habe hier einen , der mit einem über angebundenen Bildschirm betrieben wird. Leider habe ich der -Zahl auf was vom Bildschirm nicht unterstütztes gestellt. Darüber meckert nun der Bildschirm mit einer ansonsten schwarzen Anzeige. Natürlich hat die Hertz-Zahl nicht wieder zurückgestellt. Es blieb nur der Reboot, der ca zu 50% angezeigt wird bis der Bildschirm wieder auf schwarz schaltet. Was schon probiert wurde:

#followerpower #apple #MacMini #HDMI #Hertz #macos

Last updated 2 years ago

@macrumors Yes, I know about the Apple TV. It’s been there a while already. The TV hasn’t enough CPU power to run the app. It lags, is hard to use, has glitches, and so no. A big no-go.

So, I decided to get a real which runs smoothly and where the controller acts as expected.

isn’t great anyway. It has many flaws. Bottom line, I use the TV as a display unit for input only.

#appletv #webos #HDMI

Last updated 2 years ago

Hallo zusammen,
am Wochenende wurde ich Zeuge, wie ein an einen gestöpselt wurde. Das Ergebnis über ist erwartungsgemäß… … durchwachsen.Der Flatscreen- hat neben SCART noch und natürlich . Habt ihr preislich pragmatische Lösungen, wie ein brauchbares Bild raus kommt?

#n64 #hdtv #scart #tv #component #HDMI #retrogaming #Nintendo #nintendo64

Last updated 2 years ago

Arpad 🇪🇺 · @RPD0911
193 followers · 632 posts · Server mastodon.online

A year ago bought a hyped the E1 type from with . From the start had a problem with , when starts from cold start the monitor turns off. After the reboot works. The front panel unreliable (once works once doesn't).
I'm switched from wired mouse and keyboard to Bluetooth ones. The same: after loading windows once works once cannot find own adapter...
Some kind of USB driver problem... And still no fix for it... Just shame on you ...

#asmedia #usb #Win10 #HDMI #amd #asus #PN50 #minipc

Last updated 2 years ago

Arpad 🇪🇺 · @RPD0911
193 followers · 653 posts · Server mastodon.online

A year ago bought a hyped the E1 type from with . From the start had a problem with , when starts from cold start the monitor turns off. After the reboot works. The front panel unreliable (once works once doesn't).
I'm switched from wired mouse and keyboard to Bluetooth ones. The same: after loading windows once works once cannot find own adapter...
Some kind of USB driver problem... And still no fix for it... Just shame on you ...

#asmedia #usb #Win10 #HDMI #amd #asus #PN50 #minipc

Last updated 2 years ago

Ken Coar · @KenCoar
22 followers · 103 posts · Server mastodon.online

Thanks! That was very informative!

I'm still puzzled about why the error would go away just by un/replugging the cable between the and the switch, though. It sounds as though it should be a persistent error. (Which in fact it was when I tried to replace the cable between the and the switch.. maybe I should have tried the one between the switch and the Roku. 🤔)

#bravia #sony #truematrix #roku #HDMI #HDCP

Last updated 2 years ago

Ken Coar · @KenCoar
22 followers · 103 posts · Server mastodon.online

Throwing this out to the -verse..

Why the flying moose ears does my Express 2 keep gritching about an error every time it powers up? And not immediately, either; usually only after I connect to a service.

Unplugging the cable from the Roku and plugging it back in solves the problem -- until the next time.

It plugs into an input on a 4×2 HDMI switch, the output of which goes to a .

And changing the Roku-to-switch cable just made it worse.☹️

#bravia #sony #truematrix #HDMI #HDCP #roku #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Phoronix · @phoronix
531 followers · 697 posts · Server noc.social

.@IntelGraphics Preparing 2.1 FRL For Their Driver, Native HDMI 2.1 For

Original tweet : twitter.com/phoronix/status/15

#HDMI #linux #intel #MeteorLake

Last updated 2 years ago

nischenleben Podcast · @nischenleben
308 followers · 3600 posts · Server todon.eu

Mal eine Frage am Rande. Welchen HDMI-Adapter möchte ich an ein Macbook Air M1 hängen und mir zumindest einigermaßen sicher sein können, dass er auch funktioniert?

#HDMI #Adapter #mac

Last updated 2 years ago

CNX Software · @cnxsoft
267 followers · 528 posts · Server noc.social

Open-source hardware to USB 3.2 video acquisition board with an extra HDMI "loop out" port based on MacroSilicon MS2130 chip.

Original tweet : twitter.com/cnxsoft/status/157

#HDMI #videocapture #oshw

Last updated 2 years ago

はーしぇる :sabakan: :freebsd: · @herschel
351 followers · 43200 posts · Server raptol.net




Last updated 2 years ago

Sven Brier · @sven
100 followers · 724 posts · Server toot.svenbrier.eu

Im wird in meiner Wahrnemung häufig ein großes Ding daraus gemacht, ein mit zwei externen s zu betreiben. Lasst euch gesagt sein, es könnte nicht einfacher sein: Ein Dongle mit in den einen Port gesteckt, das andere direkt via USB-C angeschlossen - feddich.

Und bitte erzählt mir nicht, dass das eigentlich ThunderShit 4.0 ist.

#Netz #macbook #air #display #HDMI #ShutUp

Last updated 2 years ago

CNX Software · @cnxsoft
267 followers · 528 posts · Server noc.social

Sponsored: ProScreenCast SC02 kit adds display support to any device with output and TVs/monitors with HDMI or VGA input.


Original tweet : twitter.com/cnxsoft/status/156

#wireless #HDMI

Last updated 2 years ago

Stefan · @kranzkrone
157 followers · 5395 posts · Server quasselkopf.de

@Sandfrogy@norden.social aha, das ist gut zu wissen für mich da demnächst ein von zu wohl eingebaut wird am PC zwecks Aufnahme.

Denn ich hatte erst neulich bemerkt dass meine von nur 1 Anschluss für HDMI hat und die restlichen 3 Ports alle samt Displayport sind. 🙄

Wieso ich damals beim Kauf der nicht diesbezüglich aufgepasst habe ist mir jedoch ein Rätsel...😩😅

#Adapter #Displayport #HDMI #GTX1660ti #Gigabyte #Grafikkarte

Last updated 2 years ago

· @loveisgrief
79 followers · 2416 posts · Server mastodon.online

Does anybody know a HDMI capture USB stick with YUYV 4:2:2 1080p out? Aka a capture USB stick that can stream 1080p to Firefox or Chromium? Those browsers only support YUYV it seems 😢

v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext -d /dev/video1

#streaming #request #recommendation #hdmi2usb #CaptureCard #HDMI

Last updated 3 years ago