RT @HDP_Europe: This is #HDP5thCongress. Over 30,000 participants. Over 100 international guests and many important messages delivered.
Friends of HDP; you all are true and great.
Thank you for your solidarity on behalf of 6.5 million voters and peoples. "We are the solution, we have a promise!
RT @HDPenglish: Our 5th Ordinary Congress begins with great enthusiasm💫
As we gather for our congress, we are making a new start to move further our party and to build the bright future of our peoples.
We say it aloud: HDP has the solution! #ÇözümHDPde #HDP5thCongress
RT @HDP_Europe: This is #HDP5thCongress. Over 30,000 participants. Over 100 international guests and many important messages delivered.
Friends of HDP; you all are true and great.
Thank you for your solidarity on behalf of 6.5 million voters and peoples. "We are the solution, we have a promise!
Thank you for inviting us! We stand with you in your fight for democracy in Turkey.
RT @HDP_Europe: This is #HDP5thCongress. Over 30,000 participants. Over 100 international guests and many important messages delivered.
Friends of HDP; you all are true and great.
Thank you for your solidarity on behalf of 6.5 million voters and peoples. "We are the solution, we have a promise!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TheProgressives/status/1544356509001437185
A solidariedade é a tenrura dos Pobos. Aquí tamén estaba @obloque ✌🏾co HDP @HDPenglish #KurdistanGaliza #Internacionalismo ⤵️
RT @HDP_Europe: This is #HDP5thCongress. Over 30,000 participants. Over 100 international guests and many important messages delivered.
Friends of HDP; you all are true and great.
Thank you for your solidarity on behalf of 6.5 million voters and peoples. "We are the solution, we have a promise!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/anamirandapaz/status/1544326066629640193
#KurdistanGaliza #Internacionalismo #HDP5thCongress
RT @HDP_Europe: A solidarity message for #HDP5thCongress from the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM)🇲🇾
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Feleknasuca/status/1544028798894501889
RT @HDP_Europe: A video message for #HDP5thCongress from Elke Kahr, Mayor of the City of Graz - Communist party of Austria (KPÖ), Austria 🇦🇹 @KPGraz
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Feleknasuca/status/1544028634729615365
RT @nando_fuente: Més de 30.000 persones demostren en l'#HDP5thCongress que la persecució del règim d'Erdogan no silenciarà un poble que crida per la llibertat.
Els líders demanen diàleg i una solució pacífica i democràtica. @HDPenglish és esperança, coratge, resistència i futur!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/anamirandapaz/status/1543841326181060609
RT @spschweiz: Am 5. Kongress der @HDPgenelmerkezi in Ankara haben @FabianMolinaNR und Sandro Liniger die besten Wünsche der SP Schweiz überbracht. Die demokratischen Kräfte in der Türkei verdienen unsere Unterstützung für Frieden, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Menschenrechte. 🌹 #HDP5thCongress
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Feleknasuca/status/1543962317234343938
RT @HDP_Europe: A video message for #HDP5thCongress from @NFratoianni, National Secretary of Sinistra Italiana, Italy. @SI_sinistra
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Feleknasuca/status/1543962251157192705
RT @HDP_Europe: A video message for #HDP5thCongress from @GregorGysi, MP and Foreign Policy spokesperson of @dieLinke.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Feleknasuca/status/1543962156688969729
RT @HDP_Europe: A video message for #HDP5thCongress from Alex Bainbridge, @SocialistAllnce in Australia 🇦🇺.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Feleknasuca/status/1543962034177560577
RT @nando_fuente: Més de 30.000 persones demostren en l'#HDP5thCongress que la persecució del règim d'Erdogan no silenciarà un poble que crida per la llibertat.
Els líders demanen diàleg i una solució pacífica i democràtica. @HDPenglish és esperança, coratge, resistència i futur!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Feleknasuca/status/1543871779827077121
RT @HDPenglish: We held our 5th Ordinary Grand Congress: Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar were re-elected as co-chairs
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Feleknasuca/status/1543626291269849089
RT @HDPElih: Em gelin!
Li vir in!!
Em ê teqez bi serkevin!!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/eleonoraforenza/status/1543611282800054272
#hdphalktir #ÇözümHDPde #HDP5thCongress
Many greetings from Brussels to Ankara and the Congress of our sister party @HDPgenelmerkezi Your struggle is our struggle! 💪🏼
RT @HDPenglish: Our 5th Ordinary Congress begins with great enthusiasm💫
As we gather for our congress, we are making a new start to move further our party and to build the bright future of our peoples.
We say it aloud: HDP has the solution! #ÇözümHDPde #HDP5thCongress
RT @HDPenglish: #Buldan: Upcoming elections will not be about selecting the president or prime minister. It will be about building a new democratic and egalitarian order in Turkey. The HDP is the main driving force behind these elections and the process going forward. #HDP5thCongress #ÇözümHDPde
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/anamirandapaz/status/1543608238993801218
#Buldan #HDP5thCongress #ÇözümHDPde
RT @HDPenglish: Co-Chair Mithat #Sancar at #HDP5thCongress: It frightens and worries them, the fact that we are the strongest alternative to their authoritarian regime. That's why they attack us with all their strength. They think they're going to destroy us. But they will never succeed.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/anamirandapaz/status/1543608027743387651
RT @HDPenglish: We would like to thank all our friends from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East who attended our 5th Ordinary Grand Congress. Once again our congress has turned into an internationalist meeting. You have strengthened us. Long live international solidarity! #HDP5thCongress
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/anamirandapaz/status/1543607121509580801
RT @HDPenglish: We would like to thank all our friends from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East who attended our 5th Ordinary Grand Congress. Once again our congress has turned into an internationalist meeting. You have strengthened us. Long live international solidarity! #HDP5thCongress
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/anamirandapaz/status/1543607036759482371