Listening to
@Ammienoot at #ALT23 on the live stream from home this morning - evoking Emergent Strategy, #HE4Good, and leadership that focuses on people. What a wonderfully personal, grounded, and empathetic approach to leading digital transformation.
warm thanks to the #MYFest23 team for inviting @czernie and me to share ideas about Higher Education for Good #HE4Good – and thanks to all who joined for a fascinating discussion! updates about the book (including Table of Contents and link to today's presentation) are available here:
as we count down to the publication of 'Higher Education for Good' next month, @czernie and I have been blogging about the process of editing the book – our editorial principles and how we sought to curate a cohesive collection. collectively, the authors of #HE4Good explore possibilities for (re)making higher education, focusing on futures that foreground inclusion, equity, social justice, care and sustainability. we look forward to publication soon!
@karengregory @actualham @czernie very glad to be connected here, Karen… in the midst of all the chaos. #HE4Good will be published very soon (hopefully September).
@donnamurdoch @weblearning hi Donna... I just found you also :) hashtags are another good way to find people here... e.g. #oer23, #femedtech, #HE4Good and many others. glad to be connected here!
@sheilmcn @actualham thank you, thank you, Robin and Sheila and all. we just cannot wait to share this marvellous, collaborative work. #HE4Good @czernie
you can keep up with news about #HE4Good on this @OpenBookPublish "Forthcoming Books" page:
@jnyrose @actualham @czernie hoping for September publication, Jennie! :) #HE4Good
finally! my second blog post following the wonderful #OER23. once again, thanks to all who made it happen.
#OpenEducation #FemEdTech #HE4Good #GuerillaEdTech
#oer23 #openeducation #femedtech #HE4Good #guerillaedtech
@dompates @czernie thanks so much, Dom. I’m very familiar with that feeling you describe, especially in the past couple of years. but minding our boundaries/workload is vitally important, so I’m glad you did that. we hope that #HE4Good will be a growing community of writers, readers, idea builders and scholar-activists. you are most welcome!
last week at #OER23 I shared on update on the upcoming book 'Higher Education for Good: Teaching & Learning Futures' (#HE4Good), co-edited with @czernie
here's a short update in blog post form:
#OER23 sharing link to article cited in my #HE4Good presentation today: 'The unbearable heaviness of climate coloniality' by @farhanasultana
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #Decolonization
#oer23 #HE4Good #climatecrisis #climatechange #decolonization
I'm about to share an update here at #OER23 about 'Higher Education for Good: Teaching & Learning Futures' #HE4Good – a soon-to-be published open access book I have co-edited with @czernie
link to slides:
it's a privilege to share with the wonderful OER23 community -- which includes many authors who have chapters in the book :)
really enjoyed this live Open Education Week #OEWeek23 chat yesterday with @cogdog, @marendeepwell, Jennryn Wetzler @creativecommons & Jennifer Rogers @LibreTexts – talking about open education, open publishing, #HE4Good and finding joy. #OEWeek
#HE4Good chapters are written in a variety of forms –inviting readers to “imagine beyond the given” (Octavia Butler)– critical reflections, conceptual essays, dialogues, speculative fiction, poetry, graphic reflection, image & audio. the volume also includes artwork related to the book's themes.
warmest thanks to all authors, artists and reviewers. #onward