MikeeZero · @Mikee
141 followers · 318 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Every anti-vaxxer should be a clean air advocate. Saw the argument that "the Black Plague disappeared without a vaccine". This is misleading as it is still in existence, it just doesn't spread like it did because we figured out how it spreads, and then made the proper changes.

We know how spreads, , so if we clean the air via and , and , we stop spreading it –and that means those who don't want to get vaccinated will be more protected.

#covid #COVIDisAirborne #HEPA #UVC #WearAMask

Last updated 1 year ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
425 followers · 2029 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@novid @VeeRat @Rachel_Thorn @Pineywoozle @Kjl
I’m actually still wearing a cloth mask to this day, albeit it’s 6 layers of different fibers to create max electrostatic effect & the fit FAR surpasses my initial design; mechanical filtration is a thing😉

In 2020-mid-2021 was less contagious meaning it took more time to get tipping point

Tbh gets you <⏱️these days too..

this study interesting & where I got the multi-layered approach

To be clear, if I have to take the subway during high peak, I will don a😷 & 👩🏼‍🚀
The air is so saturated w/virions it’s simply not safe to have just a mask. If I can keep it below 1.5 hours, will do the necklace & now hold it millimeters from my face. I really should get an elastomeric, but there no way my spouse will let me traipse around in it. I already sneak out w/the 👩🏼‍🚀 b/c he’s afraid people will target me

Long story short, your masks you made for people were a super thing🌈💕💗💛💗🌈

#SARS2 #viralload #n95 #nyc #microclimateair2 #HEPA

Last updated 1 year ago

VeeRat · @VeeRat
349 followers · 4103 posts · Server zeroes.ca

I need to buy some HEPA filter systems for my house. We've been running a Corsi-Rosenthal box in the area where my elderly relative in hospice lives with us due to healthcare workers coming to the house, and this has been working. But now they need around-the-clock care, and we will have many more people coming here and staying here all the time.

We were thinking if we could find HEPA filters that are relatively quiet, and that we would set up multiple of them around the house. It might not work for us to stay covid-free, but we're trying to do the best we can.

Does anyone have recommendations for these types of filters, that would be good for covid and other viruses, and relatively quiet?


#HEPA #covid #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne

Last updated 1 year ago

· @dasgrueneblatt
441 followers · 5707 posts · Server wien.rocks
MikeeZero · @Mikee
120 followers · 289 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Want clean air, but find that air purifiers are a bit too loud? DIY yourself a PC Fan Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes, or get one that's premade here: cleanairkits.com/

Keeping the air clear of wildfire smoke, allergens and pathogens like FLU/RSV/C-19 is the best thing you can do for yourself, your employees, students, friends, and family!

Note: I'm in no way associated with this website or company, I just find their product to be reasonably priced and good quality.

#cleanair #allergies #covid #HEPA

Last updated 1 year ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
400 followers · 1860 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Anecdotally will say has saved my a** countless # of X in 11 months despite living my life like a BSL3 lab b/c so dense

Altho would love to be bopping around in my 24/7 my neighbors already think me insane so save it for solo subway jaunts. Being taunted in 6th grade over my aunt’s fashion choices for me, was the greatest gift

Novavax is a tool & it works IF USED PROPERLY
I still😷& wear a choker but💉💉💉has boosted my immunity💯

#novavax #nyc #microclimateair2 #HEPA

Last updated 1 year ago

trendless · @trendless
1951 followers · 6728 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Among other things, “…smoke can suppress macrophage function, altering it enough that you become more susceptible to respiratory infection.”


#maskup #CleanTheAir #HEPA #CRBox #n95 #P100

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric's Risk Assessment · @EricCarroll
2085 followers · 3455 posts · Server zeroes.ca

I bond with the Mandalorian over his iron discipline to not remove his mask.

This is my way for downtown living:

elastomeric indoors
for long duration indoors
protection when weather is bad & density is high
monitor to assess risk level


#n95 #P100 #HEPA #ocular #SARS2 #co2

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
391 followers · 1822 posts · Server zeroes.ca

if you time breathing for 30 sec , 60 sec etc, it gives you idea of # of breaths

based off this i will guesstimate how many minutes i have to be in an unsafe environment in mask + necklace

Osterholm does obsess in this podcast about a 26~ second elevator ride where he was🚫😷..🙄which is dumb af b/c he should know it lingers.. in some cases MANY hours. He seems to have caught & is said to be even MORE infectious… which is why imho it’s more like 2-3now

#HEPA #xbb15 #xbb116

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
393 followers · 1810 posts · Server zeroes.ca

& it warms the cockles of my cold cold🖤that you understand why the activities you did were safe, but unfortunately 90%+ do NOT get it

when i saw several non-related parties board the✈️🚫😷 & then put a😷on when the✈️was in the air & the WAS ON & levels dropped &then🚫😷to disembark… my brain nearly exploded!

tbh feel bad for people more than mad💔… but vacillate if i’m being honest b/c for the most part

#HEPA #co2 #ignoranceisnotbliss

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
393 followers · 1810 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@Gdac 💯
it would be a lot easier if everyone did the right thing & tho

my SO was about to lose his damn mind so we went on a vacation did stores & imho that plus 3💉nasal spray, masks & necklace kept me free

people do not love themselves imho so how can we expect them to care for anyone else?

my beliefs border on but i have the

used to be EXTREMELY tolerant galore but I’m done⬇️

#wearadamnrespirator #airbnb #grocery #novavax #HEPA #covid #conspiracytheory #receipts #decorum

Last updated 2 years ago

Rhyothemis · @Rhyothemis
201 followers · 1499 posts · Server zeroes.ca

I'm shopping for a new HEPA air purifier for our home, which is 1800 sq ft. Currently we have an Austin Air Health Mate, which is well over 20 yrs old; the cord is failing & I'm guessing other parts will fail soon. It had been unused for a few yrs, then in Dec. '19 we got a new filter & started using it for our allergies. I noticed a difference in beginning - not sure if its still effective - prob. needs a new filter.

#airquality #HEPA #airfilters

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
391 followers · 1782 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Jfc i’m so sorry
if you’re able to has helped me so much. Know it’s only anecdotal but 3 shots has kept me from getting sick multiple times

Nasal spray, mask & worn around neck 2 inches from face definitely helps

Probiotic & vitamin regime will also help your immunity b/c the ideal diet is impossible to maintain

Sleep as much as you can🖤


#begborrowsteal #novavax #HEPA #pureenrichment

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
391 followers · 1782 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@justafrog @Cahoowdy @joeyfox
it’s always educational:)
still pondering your comments on residential building air all these months later from that :twitterfire: spaces @popnb
thanks a quadrillion!

#HEPA #airquality #ventilation

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
391 followers · 1770 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@justafrog @Cahoowdy
a personal filter (i wear one around my neck 2 inches from the face & hold it even closer if my hands are free) can interfere w/ airflow of the plane system flow

However it does give extra protection while the plane is not in the air

The MUST be used in conjunction w/ mask & depending on hazard level, nasal spray too

#HEPA #hepanecklace

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
391 followers · 1770 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Uhm😳had to share this..
my flight out c02 hit 2800-3000~ & dropped to 1200-ish soon as plane was in air

C02 is hard to interpret in flight as filtration doesn’t lower it completely per se. Tarmac is an issue💯

Luck has a lot to do w/flying & would wear a around neck altho one has to look out for flight attendants so you don’t give them a chance to say anything; light scarf for a quick hide

Personal needs to be off during flight so it doesn’t interfere with✈️HEPA


Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
391 followers · 1752 posts · Server zeroes.ca

my SO forced to decline an invite to a party my SIL wants to have for my MIL

they’re aware we traveled recently yet he was forced to say my immunity is low & i’m constant sick🙄

Getting to NJ➡️NYC more dangerous than flying at this point & nobody gets it that planes have that’s FAR safer than any ground transport if you don’t have your own car

My immunity is actually great, but would like it to remain that way which is why i treat it as

tho is problematic..

#HEPA #covidisnotacold #asymptomatic

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
388 followers · 1740 posts · Server zeroes.ca

this is my master 🧵i will add any studies, updates to

i am💯ABSOLUTELY certain w/out Novavax i’d have gotten yet again regardless of mask, nasal, tied around my neck 2 inches from my face &🤓👓

is purportedly 237% MORE contagious than which …idk wtf that even means🤯If it was 4-5 inhales, now it’s 2?!? or 10 sec in🚫😷?

is def a thing & highly advisable🌈💛💗

#novavax #etc #sarscov2 #HEPA #xbb116 #xbb15 #vaccinetourism

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
388 followers · 1735 posts · Server zeroes.ca

isn’t rising quick & fast in India? But don’t worry, if you’re on the plan, it’ll be mild🤡

this is how spread & accelerate spread

people need to stop looking to celebrities & public figures for guidance

no matter how much you wish it to be. You’re not 5 yrs old; grow tf up sord of..

#xbb116 #alwaysinfected #variants #mutate #publichealth #WearADamnMask #novavax #HEPA #CovidIsNotOver #ZeroCovid #noCovid #iwantmynovavaxnow #matrixm #mucosalimmunity #seeingisbelieving

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
389 followers · 1727 posts · Server zeroes.ca


No protects very well from but if you +

IMHO you’ll have a fighting chance since it’s a free for all

An N95/99 respirator alone, unless it’s an elastomeric or + in tandem, IS NOT ENOUGH for a that can be caught🚫😷in<30 seconds

Unless you signed up for the plan… that’s how long it takes

#saponins #Science #vaccine #xbb116 #wearadamnrespirator #HEPA #NasalSpray #novavax #covidzombieapocalypse #microclimateair2 #KF94 #variant #alwaysinfected #viraldose

Last updated 2 years ago