Let's face it - some people are simply horrible human beings. But, they don't perceive it that way.
The best way to protect yourself and those you care about from the "rotten eggs", is to inoculate yourself - boost your psychological immunity against their "rotten" personality disorders.
"Gaslighting can be more effective and successful than many people imagine. Almost anyone can be susceptible to gaslighting tactics, which have been deployed throughout history, and continue to be used today, by domestic abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders." https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/gaslighting
"The H Factor of Personality explores the importance of the Honesty-Humility (H) dimension of personality in various aspects of people's lives". https://hexaco.org/
#psychology #science #personality #HEXACO #HonestyHumility
#gaslighting #DomesticViolence #abusers #dictators #narcissists #cult
#science #personality #HEXACO #HonestyHumility #gaslighting #domesticviolence #abusers #dictators #narcissists #cult #psychology