Jerrod Carmichael’s monologue about how he morally struggled as to whether to stick as show’s host…does WONDERS for #HFPA.
#GoldenGlobes are back…but why?
"Fraser parte como favorito por su papel en #LaBallena [#TheWhale]. Hace cuatro años denunció que el presidente de la #HFPA le había acosado sexualmente y que la organización no hizo nada al respecto. (...) aquella agresión sexual no tuvo consecuencias reales, excepto porque cambió para siempre la carrera de #BrendanFraser".
Cómo funcionan los #GoldenGlobes, la HFPA y #Hollywood.
Brendan Fraser es la única estrella [nominada] que se niega a volver a los #GlobosDeOro
#laballena #thewhale #HFPA #brendanfraser #goldenglobes #hollywood #globosdeoro
Congratulations Husam Asi for defeating the #HFPA motion to dismiss your case against them.
FILM—On the Golden Globe Awards nominations announced this morning: Any major film awards show nominees list that doesn’t at the very least have Keke Palmer (supporting performance, NOPE), Thuso Mbedu (supporting performance, THE WOMAN KING), Danielle Deadwyler (lead performance, TILL) and Gina Prince-Bythewood (director, THE WOMAN KING) on it is a “major” film awards show I give no credibility or credence to whatsoever. #goldenglobes #film #TheWomanKing #cinema #nosurprise #HFPA
#HFPA #nosurprise #cinema #TheWomanKing #film #goldenglobes
RT @MatthewRhys
Diolch enfawr am yr holl negeseuon caredig heddi - anrhydedd I fod ymhlith y cyd-enwebeion yma. Enormous thanks for all the kind messages today - honored to be among these fellow nominees. Thank you #HFPA Diolch🏴