Yay my New Book arrived and it's got my name in it as a Kickstarter campaign supporter 🥰 #42 #douglasadams #HHGTTG
I never used to like #audiobooks. Though I was undiagnosed, I recognized that my #ADHD would make paying attention difficult.
If I’m not in the right frame of mind, it is difficult.
But today, I was late for work as Douglas Adams’ Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy reach the bit where Deep Thought was giving the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Of course I’ve read it half a dozen times or so, but hearing it in the voice of Stephen Fry is vastly different.
Y'all are a bunch of nerds for all the #HitchhikersGuide references for the #ReasonsIAmLate game on #HashItOut.
Love it.
#hitchhikersguide #reasonsiamlate #hashitout #HHGTTG
“This must be Thursday,' said Arthur to himself, sinking low over his beer. 'I never could get the hang of Thursdays.” #HHGTTG
The photo doesn’t capture just how black this boat is. I was disappointed to note that Hotblack Desiato is not written on the side. #SundayPixBoat @sundaypix @wombat37 #HHGTTG #DouglasAdams
#sundaypixboat #HHGTTG #douglasadams
Enjoy yet another delicious #TowelDay all you froods! And non-froods for that matter! Remember #DontPanic and keep your #HHGTTG at hand!
#towelday #dontpanic #HHGTTG #ripdouglasadams
Service meddelelse: Husk lige håndklædet!
Specielt hvis du skal ud og galakse-blaffe på denne torsdag!
#toweldaydk #handklædedag #HHGTTG #towelday
My goodness!
There's an open source (AGPL) #WordStar clone named "WordTsar".
And it replicates the original TUI menus with a GUI.
It's not in the #FreeBSD ports tree, or packaged for #Debian, but the AUR has had it since 2021.
(I remember when people nicknamed Word Perfect after a #HHGTTG character.)
#wordstar #freebsd #Debian #HHGTTG #archlinux
I am shocked to realise that there are people alive today, especially in the younger generations, who do not understand the importance of always knowing where your towel is.
The Lambda Charlotte Denmark and Marchmont Street Theory of cosmological perception holds that if an artificial universe fits in an office, then one doesn't in fact have to have that big an ego for it to be the same size. (Having an ego the size of an office is an observable phenomenon in said streets.)
And that a whole fairy cake is probably overkill.
#zaphodbeeblebrox #HHGTTG #zarniwoop #physics #cosmology
@FourT4 No. Space is big. Rocket science is hard. And people are a problem. (-:
Ah yes, the Ford Prefect school of medicine. Don't forget the peanuts.
We found out at the end of the 2nd series that the only reason that Zaphod Beeblebrox went for the job at all was to commit a felony, and steal the Heart Of Gold.
This song is forever stuck in my head
#music #HHGTTG #dontpanic #solongandthanksforallthefish
"To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem."
By the way, you have just reinvented sortition, which is generally thought to have been an old idea when Plato wrote about it. Yup, someone's done the write-up. No PowerPoint slides, yet, though. And it's in Greek. (-:
#themanintheshack #HHGTTG #Plato
Today I learnt that #LibreOffice source code contains this lovely comment. It was originally in German back in StarOffice and OpenOffice.org times, and was translated in 2012:
// Following Arthur Dent, we do the only thing that you can do with
// an unsolvable problem: We ignore it with all our power.
Wonder what the original text in