RT @sebpoule
Do you know PLWH & Low-Level Viremia despite perfect ART adherence &no other explanation?
Great work by @SimonettiFR team
➡️Clonally expanded HIV-1 proviruses with 5’Leader defects can give rise to nonsuppressible residual viremia
#HIVtwitter #IDtwitter
Going for a Mastodon test drive and hoping for a little fresh air here. Who’s around from #HIVTwitter #IDTwitter #MedTwitter #WomenInMedicine #WomenInSTEM?
#HIVtwitter #IDtwitter #medtwitter #WomenInMedicine #womeninstem
:ribbon_maroon: In the lead up to #WorldAIDSDay (December 1):ribbon_maroon:
➡️ Remember, honor and celebrate those who we have lost due to HIV/AIDS
➡️ #EndStigma
➡️ Spread the message #UEqualsU (and all HIV prevention strategies)
#WorldAIDSday2022 :ribbon_maroon:
#IDtwitter #HIVtwitter
#worldaidsday #EndStigma #uequalsu #worldaidsday2022 #IDtwitter #HIVtwitter
@sebpoule @CarlosdelRio @GermHunterMD @PaulSaxMD i am not seeing our European #HIVtwitter family migrate yet. Eek
#IDtwitter #HIVtwitter #IDMastodon Really excited to announce after years of work that HIVASSIST (hivassist.com), a decision support tool for ARV selection, is now available as an App for iPhones and Android. Download at hivassist.com/ios and hivassist.com/android. If you ever needed a single interface to access Stanford HIV DB, Liverpool drug interaction guide, and get expert algorithm generated recs, HIVASSIST is worth checking out. Feedback welcome.
#IDtwitter #HIVtwitter #IDMastodon