Kevan Thakrar challenges torture in Belmarsh
On 25 and 26 April Kevan Thakrar, a young Muslim man, is bringing a legal challenge in the High Court against his prolonged and indefinite solitary confinement in prison segregation. Since April 2021 he has been confined to his cell for 23 hours a day and has to
#Belmarsh #CloseSupervisionCentres #HMPFullSutton #JudicalReview #kevanthakrar #Solitaryconfinement
#belmarsh #closesupervisioncentres #HMPFullSutton #judicalreview #kevanthakrar #solitaryconfinement
Action report from a mega-prison blockade
Just under a month ago, an autonomous group of activists blockaded Kier’s latest mega-prison construction site at HMP Full Sutton, costing the company £250,000 – today they say what happened in their own words, and why.
This was both an act of solidarity with incarcerated friends, as
#blockade #HMPFullSutton #Megaprisons #prisonabolition #prison-industrialcomplex
#blockade #HMPFullSutton #Megaprisons #prisonabolition #prison