Fucking disgraceful story on RTÉ News - a man with a rare cancer was told to "put his affairs in order" - a bit of web research taught him that there was a DNA-based cure - that was only available to *lung cancer* patients on the #HSE system; his neighbours in #Kinvara have now raised money for him to get the cure; he had cycled his kids to school, thinking it would be the last day…
Adhd makes the child inattentive. You don’t say dear DSP. If that was all I would not have gone through the torture of not available services in the public system and it’s 15.000 hurdles. Sure totally the same as your average neurotypical child. Lord give me strength. Any god willing to send me some. #adhd #dsp #dca #hse
In a country with supposedly universal healthcare I have spent €875.48 on medical expenses in the last 5 days. Some of that I might be able to claw back via tax breaks or DPS if I can fill out the Byzantine forms, but at least half of that is gone. I'm unemployed at the moment :(. I wish Ireland would stop pretending we have a European style healthcare system.
#ireland #healthcare #HSE #twotier
Spending on healthcare in Ireland was €28.6 billion in 2021, up €2.1 billion or 8% on the spending in 2020
#CSOIreland #Ireland #Health #HSE #HealthAccounts
#csoireland #ireland #health #HSE #healthaccounts
Also yet another being fobbed off by all the doctors and the only helpful person out there was the nurse who did my bloods. Caredoc sent me to ER, after 10 hours ER confirmed my toe is super infected and I've a respiratory infection both will need an antibiotic, they then advised me to go to my GP even after I advised them she's booked solid until July. #GPcrisis #HealthCareCrisis #GPshortage FF/fg have really fkd up the #hse we need #SlainteCare yesterday
#gpcrisis #HealthcareCrisis #gpshortage #HSE #SlainteCare
HSE ob dnevu Sonca izpostavil pomen sončne energije za zeleni prehod https://krog.sta.si/3175760 #HSE #zeleniprehod
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics Core
The resistance of quantum entanglement to temperature in the Kugel-Khomskii model
Valerii E. Valiulin, Andrey V. Mikheyenkov, Nikolay M. Chtchelkatchev, Kliment I. Kugel
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 025 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #mipt #HPPIRAS #HSE #RAS
RT @adeline_whitney: Sending love to trans people in Ireland and elsewhere, including trans people who are also intersex, as you whether the current storm.
#TDOV2023 #TDOV #TransDayofVisibility #protectintersexkids #iftheycanpeeletthembe #EndIGM #Ireland #HSE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paulmurphy_TD/status/1641746017694502917
#TDOV2023 #TDOV #TransDayOfVisibility #protectintersexkids #iftheycanpeeletthembe #EndIGM #Ireland #HSE
If I were an Irish medical consultant who had just refused €250K a year to work in the public sector (as Irish consultants have), I'd be quite worried about now
Three in five medical card claims for dental, optical, and pharmacy services were for females in 2021
#CSOIreland #Ireland #Health #HSE @HSELive
#csoireland #ireland #health #HSE
Our on-campus COVID-19 booster vaccine clinic is open again next week
🗓️ Wed 15th March
🕙From 10am to 3pm
📍In EGO-10, Ground Floor, Main Building
No need to register in advance - full details available here:
#Covid19 #StudyatUL #CovidVaccine #HSE #University #Education
#COVID19 #StudyatUL #covidvaccine #HSE #university #education
Improving lives with Technology – HSE Lighthouse project https://triangleagency.co.uk/improving-lives-with-technology-hse-lighthouse-project/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #TheTriangleAgencyNews #HSE #Improving #Lighthouse
#thetriangleagencynews #HSE #improving #lighthouse
RT @BSugrTrampoline
Managing your diabetes during a hospital stay
Nobody really wants to think this, but when you live with diabetes, this is a very scary experience. Diabetes Daily has created some good tips for making this experience less stressful.
#iredoc #hse #Ireland
Munster Technological University #MTU, gets an injunction against the #Ransomware gang that has stolen and encrypted data on staff and students.
Something similar happened after the #HSE Ransomware incident back in 2021.
These injunctions would have absolutely zero effect on the actual perpetrators, so I'm scratching my head as to what is the point of them? Is this some kind of Irish Solution to a Russian problem? :blob_confused:
@GossiTheDog does any other jurisdiction do anything like this?
Reminder: If you are first sending out data breach notification letters two years after the breach, you might want a public announcement or media campaign to alert the public that letters are going out. In today's news:
HSE patients startled to get alerts about personal info stolen by hackers: https://www.corkbeo.ie/news/hse-patients-startled-alerts-personal-26130730
#HSE #ransomware #Conti #databreach #dataprotection #GDPR #IncidentResponse #Notification
#HSE #ransomware #Conti #databreach #dataprotection #gdpr #incidentresponse #notification
Za projekt Severnojadranske vodikove doline 25 milijonov evrov https://krog.sta.si/3134354 #vodik #HSE
Applying for the Drugs Payments Scheme, which can be done online or with a paper. The year is 2023, so I opted for online and entered all the details for myself and each family member. I was prepared for the fact that I would have to upload some supporting documents but I wasn't prepared for one of those documents to be the printed form that I thought I was avoiding. In other words, the online route is twice the work! The #HSE has bigger and more important problems, I know, but still...
Seething peeve:
#hospitals #hse tell patients that the appointment is at 9am, or 2pm, when they don't mean that at all.
9am is their start time, and they call everyone in at once!
Why did I have to set an alarm for 5am and fight Dublin rush hour traffic to present at 9am for a midday slot?!?!?!
I'm already wrecked and still waiting 😩
Amy feels the health system that James appears to have been evading for some time should step in. Amy said: “James need to be cared for in a home, he is not well, and needs professional care.”
https://www.independent.ie/regionals/wicklow/news/appeal-to-help-homeless-bray-man-raises-thousands-but-hes-missing-42294046.html #Homless #HSE