📡Aug. 31, 2023: NBC News > #HUD releases new aid for low-income families to keep up with rising rents. – United State Department Housing Urban Development (HUD) https://companiesexpress.wordpress.com/2023/09/06/%f0%9f%93%a1aug-31-2023-nbc-news-hud-releases-new-aid-for-low-income-families-to-keep-up-with-rising-rents-united-state-department-housing-urban-development-hud/
🔥 Mar 2, 2023: The Brunswick News > City, #HUD allege misuse of federal dollar, misconduct at housing authority. – National Homelessness Crisis (NHC) https://gatewaybeast.wordpress.com/2023/08/22/%f0%9f%94%a5-repercuss-headlines-2023-city-hud-allege-misuse-of-federal-dollar-misconduct-at-housing-authority/
#HUD #publichousing
#tenants #disabled #Silicon
#housingcrisis #globalhousingcrisis
Most site managers are not this professional
#HUD #PublicHousing #tenants #disabled #silicon #harassment #housingcrisis #Globalhousingcrisis
#HUD proposes a new rule that would permit 'single sex' #homeless shelters to refuse admittance to shelters corresponding to their gender to #transgender persons, in the name of religious liberty, ofc https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/01/us/politics/transgender-homeless-shelters-trump.html
#Trump orders Housing Dep't (#HUD) to suspend #foreclosure and #eviction through April. The moratorium is restricted to properties whose mortgage is insured under #FHA. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/488227-trump-orders-hud-to-suspend-evictions-and-foreclosures
#trump #HUD #foreclosure #eviction #FHA
Former #Obama #HUD sec'y Julián Castro shuts down his campaign for the US presidency. In other news Marianne Williamson has dismissed her entire campaign staff. Other candidates without a snowball's chance in hell are holding on. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/02/politics/julian-castro-ends-campaign/index.html
US Housing Department (#HUD) estimates a rise in #homelessness nationally by 2.7% as a result of #California's housing crisis https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/hud-estimates-2-7-percent-rise-u-s-homelessness-due-n1106061
#HUD #homelessness #california