What's that?
You want to read me wanking on about #HaltAndCatchFire yet again?
#HACF #KerryBishé #MackenzieDavis #ScootMcNairy #LeePace #ChristopherCantwell #ChristopherCRogers
#christophercrogers #christophercantwell #leepace #scootmcnairy #mackenziedavis #kerrybishe #HaCF #haltandcatchfire
What did you think of #HACF ?
I remain obsessed with it to this day. It's ruined me for other television.
"Activity Pub isn't the thing. It's the thing that gets us to the thing."
#HACF #ActivityPub #DecentraliseNow #PowerToThePeople #EndTheWalledGardens
#endthewalledgardens #powertothepeople #decentralisenow #ActivityPub #HaCF
"The world is going to crack wide open. There is something on the horizon. A massive connectivity. The barriers between us will disappear, and we’re not ready.
We’ll hurt each other in new ways, we’ll sell and be sold, we’ll share our most tender selves only to be mocked and destroyed. We’ll be so vulnerable, and we’ll pay the price." - final statement of Ryan Ray, Dec 18, 1986
From the best TV show ever, #HaltAndCatchFire
#ryanray #HaCF #haltandcatchfire
Yup. That bit makes me almost as misty-eyed as #HACF ... 😢
My first exposure to #RISC was in the #Alesis digital reverbs like the #MIDIverb and #Microverb. Suddenly, thanks to RISC, ordinary musicians like me could afford something as iteratively elephantine as a #DigitalReverb.
It was shocking.
#digitalreverb #microverb #midiverb #Alesis #risc #HaCF
I'm an everything-er, if it's geeky: #Babylon5 #StarTrek #Farscape #Earth2 #Fringe #TheTomorrowPeople #KolchakTheNightStalker #Defiance #Space1999 #Firefly #DoctorWho #FortSalem #HACF #FallingSkies #TheTwilightZone #TheXFiles #BattlestarGalactica #Joe90 #Reaper #TheExpanse #TerminatorSCC #CaptainScarlet #Wednesday #LegendsOfTomorrow #CarnivalRow #Futurama #Stargate #Continuum #Travellers
... just off the top of my head... :pensive_party_blob:
#travellers #continuum #stargate #futurama #carnivalrow #LegendsOfTomorrow #wednesday #captainscarlet #terminatorscc #theexpanse #reaper #joe90 #battlestargalactica #thexfiles #thetwilightzone #FallingSkies #HaCF #fortsalem #doctorwho #firefly #space1999 #defiance #kolchakthenightstalker #thetomorrowpeople #fringe #Earth2 #farscape #StarTrek #babylon5
1. AHA - you fell into my devious #HACF trap:
2. awhhh
3. Nah, more #GregEgan than #DennisETaylor
tbh, that's a pretty solid core subset!
#dennisetaylor #GregEgan #HaCF
I do love sex and I am a perv... but...
If I fancy someone now, part of me is always thinking:
"Could we watch #HACF together?"
"Would they cry at the right bits of It's A Wonderful Life?"
"Could they imagine being an interstellar probe coasting for tens of thousands of years between systems, dreaming of being a human being reading this post on Mastodon?"
#wangscarpets #permutationcity #HaCF
Sooo weird as, obvs, I love #HACF but I couldn't get on with Legion at all. I tried sooo hard as well but nope!
#HACF is just the BEST tv ever. I'm due a re-watch but I'm putting it off while I'm trying to find someone to watch it with.