Matthew Broberg · @mbbroberg
201 followers · 143 posts · Server

Doing my knee PT. I dislike that I need to, but I’m trying to remember it’s not about liking it, it’s about liking how I feel when I care for myself.

#HabitShare #selfCare

Last updated 2 years ago

Molly Cantrell-Kraig · @mckra1g
840 followers · 604 posts · Server

Something I’ve noticed as I get older: I sleep more “densely” but in shorter bursts. I usually wake up btwn 3-3:30a and write down some revelation that occurs to me in a fugue state. Finding these scribbled missives in the morning when I wake feels like encountering crib notes from my subconscious.

#writingcommunity #authorchat #writer #writinglife #sleep #notes #aging #HabitShare #PayAttentionToEverything

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex Z | Writer · @AlextheZee
467 followers · 952 posts · Server

Hello friends!

To honor the week, I thought I'd ask: what is one habit YOU would like to work on in the next few days?

For me, I want to work on making a very specific time for my writing and not just saying "I'll work on it when I have time"

#writerscafe #writing #writer #monday #HabitShare #habits #writingcommunity #introduction #new

Last updated 2 years ago