Karin! · @nirak
173 followers · 745 posts · Server carhenge.club

I want to find an android habit tracker app (also want to track non habits, like symptoms, etc. on it) that has a nice interface, stores data locally, and doesn't have a subscription fee or require login to a service

I don't mind paying for the app! I just don't want to pay monthly for it

#HabitTracking #habit #AndroidApp #techhelp #app #android

Last updated 2 years ago

Colin Gourlay · @colin
47 followers · 22 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Started again now that I've fully recovered from the recent Loch Ness

Whilst messing around with my I discovered a handy Hydration Tracking widget.

You can download this for free from the store.

#training #marathon #garmin #ConnectIQ #nutrition #HabitTracking #running #sportstech

Last updated 2 years ago

Himbo Beefcake, PhD · @jendrawscomics
610 followers · 10281 posts · Server mastodon.art

I made a habit tracker in my journal to keep tabs on how many days out of the month I picked up a book and did some reading, but it turns out I don't read every day in small increments, I sit down to read once or twice on the weekends and do 50 or 80 pages in one go lol
So maybe I'll just track percentage complete on a book rather than total reading sessions📚

#HabitTracking #journaling

Last updated 3 years ago