Looking forward to meeting Kathi from the Wild For Scotland podcast tomorrow. An excuse to talk all things #SaltMarsh .
#SaltMarsh #podcast #coast #HabitatRestoration
Wednesday is our Plant Hub volunteering day, at the moment, we are mostly working on splitting the Sea Club Rush (Bolboschoenus maritimus) plants to increase our stock ready for planting out in late winter/early spring.
This perennial plant can be divided from the root stock, and when the seeds form in late summer, we will collect them to grow new plants on. Photo is of Sea Club Rush flowers. #saltmarsh
#HabitatRestoration #NatureRestorationFund #plants
#SaltMarsh #HabitatRestoration #naturerestorationfund #plants
This is what a fragmented saltmarsh looks like and why we at Green Shores are working to restore saltmarshes to full health. The depth of soil the saltmarsh can make is impressive!
However, the energy from the sea (especially during storms) is enough to break up the leading edge of the saltmarsh, allowing further erosion.
By planting native species, the natural saltmarsh can regrow and spread.
#Saltmarsh #HabitatRestoration #NatureRestorationFund #NatureScot #Coast #Scotland
#SaltMarsh #HabitatRestoration #naturerestorationfund #naturescot #coast #scotland
Global News BC: Work underway to restore salmon habitat in North Vancouver’s Lynn Creek https://globalnews.ca/news/9889941/lynn-creek-salmon-habitat-restoration/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #salmonhabitiatrestoration #habitatrestoration #NorthVancouver #SalmonSpawning #SalmonHabitat #Environment #NorthShore #wildsalmon #lynncreek #rewilding #Salmon
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #salmonhabitiatrestoration #HabitatRestoration #northvancouver #salmonspawning #salmonhabitat #environment #northshore #wildsalmon #lynncreek #rewilding #salmon
Another tiny flower from the saltmarsh. Sea arrowgrass (Triglochin maritima) has lots of small flowers arranged up the flowering stem.
It can be amazing what you see when you look closely.
#Saltmarsh #Flowers #HabitatRestoration
#SaltMarsh #flowers #HabitatRestoration
Loads more red fescue (Festuca rubra) potted up today at the volunteer session at the Plant Hub. It’s a pioneer plant and doesn’t like to stay in one place, putting out roots at the nodes when the stem touches the ground.
#Saltmarsh #HabitatRestoration #Volunteering
#SaltMarsh #HabitatRestoration #volunteering
New growth! Our stock Sea club-rush (Bolboschoenus maritimus) plants are making new plants! the little store of energy packed in the tiny tuber is not enough to survive on it's own yet, but with a bit of support from the plants it is still connected to and some time, it will be a big plant one day! #Saltmarsh #halophyte #HabitatRestoration
#SaltMarsh #halophyte #HabitatRestoration
Plant Hub and Site Office, the polytunnel is working hard.
Plus it is the location for tea break. I forgot to get a photo of the delicious strawberry slice one of the volunteers brought to share yesterday.
#Saltmarsh #HabitatRestoration #SiteOffice #Volunteers #TeaBreak
#SaltMarsh #HabitatRestoration #siteoffice #volunteers #teabreak
Another good volunteer session at the polytunnel today.- More plants weeded, propagated and tended. we are building our plant stock for saltmarsh habitat restoration
#Saltmarsh #HabitatRestoration #Volunteer
#SaltMarsh #HabitatRestoration #volunteer
The Tyee: How BC Will Restore Wetlands with Beavers https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/06/16/BC-Restore-Wetlands-Beavers/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #UtahStateUniversity’sBeaverRestorationAssessmentTool #NicolaValleyInstituteofTechnology #GrandviewBoundaryIndustrialArea #StillMoonArtsSocietyiety #IndigenousElderArtSam #Water,WaterEverywhere #BCWildlifeFederation #beavertranslocation #HowarthCreekbeavers #HowarthCreekproject #FraserBasinCouncil #habitatrestoration #wetlandrestoration #EEAGER
#BCNews #TheTyee #utahstateuniversity #nicolavalleyinstituteoftechnology #grandviewboundaryindustrialarea #stillmoonartssocietyiety #indigenouselderartsam #water #bcwildlifefederation #beavertranslocation #howarthcreekbeavers #howarthcreekproject #fraserbasincouncil #HabitatRestoration #wetlandrestoration #eeager
Sumantran Rhinos are in crisis.
By focusing our efforts on protecting the relatively large wild animals, we also protect their habitat, therefore, protect multitudes of species (i.e., the ecosystem).
In #ConservationBiology, a flagship species is a species chosen to raise support for #biodiversity #conservation in a given place or social context. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flagship_species
Save the Sumatran rhino from extinction https://rhinos.org/our-work/sumatran-rhino-rescue/
#conservationbiology #biodiversity #conservation #Climate #climatechange #HabitatRestoration
Not exactly wild, not exactly abandoned
Take a walk with me through my favorite park in San Francisco, Park Presidio, as I reflect on 20 years of getting lost in its in-between spaces. Once a military base, now an experiment in habitat restoration, it’s still changing and still pleasantly strange.
#blog #blogging #presidio #ParkPresidio #SanFrancisco #sfba #HabitatRestoration
#blog #blogging #presidio #parkpresidio #sanfrancisco #sfba #HabitatRestoration
The RSPB magazine always has something cheerful in it, such as this reassurance that the UK is world beating in at least one way.
About time we stopped business as usual, and started acting like we give a damn. For a start on addressing the #Nature crisis it is clearly time to #BanPesticides #BanPlastic #BanPlasticGrass, engage in #HabitatRestoration, stop green field developments…
#nature #banpesticides #banplastic #banplasticgrass #HabitatRestoration
Prescribed burns on the meadow! Next I'll see what native plants we grow from the seedbank, and some areas will be planted with native hardwoods and shrubs.
The last image shows a close-up after burning--a burned field next to an area that wasn't burned.
#NativePlants #HabitatRestoration #conservation #PrescribedBurns #fire #PrescribedFire #meadows #grasslands
#grasslands #meadows #PrescribedFire #fire #prescribedburns #conservation #HabitatRestoration #nativeplants
#citizenScientist in Reston, VA in the suburbs of Washington, DC · coordinator for long-term project at Huntley Meadows Park, monitoring #nestBox activity of #WoodDuck (#AixSponsa) and #HoodedMerganser (#LophodytesCucullatus) · http://www.virginiamasternaturalist.org · https://vnps.org · #invasive plant removal & #habitatRestoration · recently #retired #software engineer from https://www.npr.org · #communityTheater · Northwestern Univ (BA), Univ of Pennsylvania (MBA)
#introduction #citizenscientist #nestbox #woodduck #aixsponsa #hoodedmerganser #lophodytescucullatus #invasive #HabitatRestoration #retired #software #communitytheater
Steel ‘Tessellating MicoPools’. Fabricated by our main Dave Badman. The last photo shows the bioreceptive basin treatment added here at our studio.
Steel cutting and milling by neighbours Hydromar.
Love it!! Art meets science, has a shindig with engineering and boom - intertidal wildlife habitat!!
#iwbiosphere #ecoengineering #marinehabitat #habitatrestoration
#iwbiosphere #ecoengineering #marinehabitat #HabitatRestoration
My annual roundup of organizations to whom I have made #donations of money and/or time in 2022. I cover a lot of ground, but several organizations on the list are engaged in #conservation, #habitatRestoration, #research, #publicPolicy, #citizenScience, or are maintaining #onlineArchives. If you have something to spare this year, please consider one of these recipients. http://www.ahoneyofananklet.com/2022/12/24/my-year-in-contributions-2022/ (Most are based in the USA and contributions are #taxDeductible.)
#donations #conservation #HabitatRestoration #research #publicpolicy #citizenscience #onlinearchives #taxdeductible
Applied #ecologists - we're hiring a tenure track position in #RestorationEcology in our Natural Resources program at Northland College. Northland is an environmental liberal arts college in northern WI located on the south shore of Lake Superior. We're surrounded by public land and numerous natural resource agencies, so good opportunities for collaborations in teaching & research.
#EcosystemRestoration #naturalresources #HabitatRestoration #RestorationEcology
#ecologists #restorationecology #ecosystemrestoration #naturalresources #HabitatRestoration
Three full-time permanent ecological restoration field staff jobs open w/ Chicago Park District - apply by Jan 3rd 🐛 https://aa128.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=2201103&tz=GMT-06%3A00&tzname=America%2FChicago
This is a ~$21/hr union job removing invasive species, planting native trees, shrubs, and other plants, trail maintenance, and other park maintenance within the Natural Areas program. Must live in the city. 🦆
#EcologicalRestoration #HabitatRestoration #Ecology #InvasiveSpecies #NativeSpecies #NativePlants #Chicago #Parks #NaturalAreas #Nature #Trails
#ecologicalrestoration #HabitatRestoration #ecology #invasivespecies #nativespecies #nativeplants #chicago #parks #naturalareas #nature #trails
Humanity is heading towards a remarkable future - if enough people realize their potential to make that future a reality.
Every step in the correct direction is the solution.
This toot is not moral grandstanding - this toot is about putting words into action.
What can make development towards an ecologically "friendly" lifestyle optimistic, easy, enjoyable, and healthy?
What can make development towards an equitable society rewarding? An equitable society will reward justice & altruism (cooperative altruism). A corrupt society will reward injustice & greed (corruption)
Imagine a "walk in the park" where we know we are heading towards a future that will be better than the past. We know this because we understand how to develop that future society. We understand what we want and how to get there. We have the "map" of how to develop an ecologically sustainable and equitable society (the two are mutually inclusive).
To reiterate - Humanity *is* heading toward a remarkable future - *if* enough people realize their potential to make that future a reality.
Naysayers (the merchants of doubt) repress our potential.
Potential - capable of being but not yet (fully) developed.
In general, to reverse the trend of ecologically degrading human activities, we humans are going to have to cooperate (teamwork) with a laser focus on developing an ecologically sustainable and equitable society.
If enough people realize their potential to make the future a remarkable reality - our focus will converge. Laser-focused on developing an ecologically sustainable and equitable society.
There are many competing interests & ideologies that have historically gotten in our way. The agency (spectrum) of good to bad, informed to misinformed, altruism to greed. The spectrum of democracy to autocracy.
However, by definition, history is over. The present exists. Tomorrow is where we are heading.
Make our societies sustainable in whatever way you can. Those changes may seem like a small contribution. For instance, the planting of some wildflowers in the garden, and installing a bird or bat box. Replacing plastic bottled liquid soaps with plastic-free solid soaps. Switching a meat & dairy diet for a plant-based, fungi & non-dairy milk diet. Boosting the toots that explain and recommend ecologically sustainable practices. Voting for politicians that live by setting a good example (rather than those that say "blah blah blah" but then do the opposite)
However, the more people make those small contributions - the more they accumulate into big ecologically sustainable changes.
#ClimateAction #SustainableDevelopment #ClimateJustice #equity #SocialJustice #consumerism #diets #products
#ConservationBiology #EcologicalRestoration #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #sustainabilty #reforestration #HabitatRestoration
#cleanair #cleanwater #soil #consumerism #diets #products #conservationbiology #biodiversity #sustainabledevelopment #climatejustice #ecologicalrestoration #nature #climateaction #equity #socialjustice #renewableenergy #wildlife #sustainabilty #HabitatRestoration #reforestration