Costruisci la mitica Abarth 695 esse esse
In edicola dal 19 agosto con la prima uscita al prezzo lancio di 1€
Costruisci la mitica Abarth 695 esse esse
In edicola dal 19 agosto con la prima uscita al prezzo lancio di 1€
Costruisci BATMAN il Cavaliere Oscuro
In edicola dal 19 agosto con la prima uscita al prezzo lancio di 0,50€
Costruisci BATMAN il Cavaliere Oscuro
In edicola dal 19 agosto con la prima uscita al prezzo lancio di 0,50€
Thanks @algore for the wonderful praise for #OurFragileMoment! (due out 9/26 from @public_affairs #Hachette):
Thanks @publisherswkly for the kind words for #OurFragileMoment (due out Sep 26 via @public_affairs / #hachette:
Le #web est devenu très hostile à l'utilisateur depuis quelques années, c'est insupportable. Depuis que le site a annoncé sa fermeture imminente (dégât collateral de la purge chez #amazon) je tente d'en archiver le contenu avec, même avec une URL toutes les 30-60s je me fais bloquer par l'hébergeur. Dément. J'ai dû faire un montage avec #tor pour contourner et c'est loin d'être parfait.
Pendant ce temps, #Hachette et ses potes rentiers attaquent
#web #amazon #tor #Hachette #rage
- Use Library Genesis & Anna's Archive
- Help build or support a shadow library that isn't on some white libertarian nonsense
Then people don't have to use the above two
- Destroy the multinational corporate behemoths behind the lawsuit
(Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins Publishers, John Wiley & Sons, and Penguin Random House)
- Overthrow the illegitimate government which issued the ruling
Fascist police states built on slavery & genocide are bad, actually
#Libraries #Publishers #Books #Corporations #Monopoly #DigitalLibraries #Censorship #Copyright #FairUse #PublicCommons #DigitalCommons #Authors #BookPreservation #History #Culture #CDL #InternetArchive #LibGen #AnnasArchive #Hachette #HarperCollins #Wiley #PenguinRandomHouse
#libraries #publishers #books #corporations #monopoly #digitallibraries #censorship #copyright #fairuse #publiccommons #digitalcommons #authors #bookpreservation #history #culture #cdl #internetarchive #libgen #AnnasArchive #Hachette #harpercollins #wiley #penguinrandomhouse
Book publishers with surging profits struggle to prove Internet Archive hurt sales - Enlarge (credit: feellife | iStock / Getty Images Plus)
Today,... - #penguinrandomhouse #internetarchive #harpercollins #johnwiley&son #copyrightact #hachette #policy #ebooks #dmca
#dmca #ebooks #policy #Hachette #copyrightact #johnwiley #harpercollins #internetarchive #penguinrandomhouse
Costruisci la Batmobile Tumbler 1:8
#modellismo #Hachette #batmobile #batman
Publishers Are Taking the Internet to Court
... On June 1, Whitehead’s publisher, Penguin Random House, together with fellow megapublishers Hachette, HarperCollins, and Wiley, filed a lawsuit against the Internet Archive alleging “mass copyright infringement.” The Internet Archive closed the National Emergency Library on June 16, citing the lawsuit and calling for the publishers to stand down. But the plaintiffs are continuing to press their claims, and are now seeking to close the whole Open Library permanently....
HN discussion:
#InternetArchive #Libraries #ControlledDigitalLending #PenguinRandomHouse #Hachette #HarperCollins #Wiley #Copyright #CopyrightIsBrainDamage
#internetarchive #libraries #ControlledDigitalLending #penguinrandomhouse #Hachette #harpercollins #wiley #copyright #copyrightisbraindamage
Picking up some notes on the #publishing industry grown from this thread:
The "Big Four" companies of english-language mainstream book publishing are
• #Penguin #RandomHouse LLC (owned by german mega-corporation #Bertelsmann), which is currently absorbing Simon & Schuster (formerly one of the "Big Five")
• #HarperCollins (owned by rupert murdoch's #NewsCorp)
• #Hachette, a french mega-corporation (owned by #Lagardère)
• #Macmillan Publishers (owned by another german multinational, #Holtzbrinck)
Not only is each of these owned by a larger international media mega-corporation as mentioned above, but each has many (dozens or hundreds) of divisions & "imprints" which sell products under different names so it looks like it's published by a different company. Many of the divisions are smaller companies that were bought by the expanding giants but allowed to keep operating under their more well-known name.
& of course, while together they dominate english-language publishing, many have divisions which focus on other languages or are part of larger corporations which own other publishers.
#publishing #penguin #RandomHouse #bertelsmann #harpercollins #NewsCorp #Hachette #Lagardère #macmillan #Holtzbrinck
1 day after a staff walkout, publisher #Hachette Book Group announces that they will not be publishing Woody Allen's memoir. Direct Action gets the goods, as they say in the IWW.