Barack Obama and Putin #PutinIsAWarCriminal #PutinIsAMonster #PutinIsEvil #HagueForPutin
#PutinIsAWarCriminal #putinisamonster #putinisevil #HagueForPutin
Barack Obama and Putin #PutinIsAWarCriminal #PutinIsAMonster #PutinIsEvil #HagueForPutin
#PutinIsAWarCriminal #putinisamonster #putinisevil #HagueForPutin
#думка | цікавий аналіз воєнної ситуації в україні щодо розмірів московитської армії
#hagueforputin #stoprussia #russiakills #russialies #standwithukraine #українською
#думка #HagueForPutin #StopRussia #russiakills #russialies #StandWithUkraine #українською
have you seen the stalker 2 official web page yet ?
#hagueforputin #stoprussia #russiakills #russialies #standwithukraine
#HagueForPutin #StopRussia #russiakills #russialies #StandWithUkraine
#video | so, #putin's wardogs thought they could humiliate europe, otan and the whole civilized world by bringing #ukraine to it's knees in two, four days? ukraine, the land of zaporozhian cossacks?!
good evening, we're from ukraine!
p.s. and thank you, all the people of good will, for your support.
#hagueforputin #stoprussia #russiakills #russialies #standwithukraine
#video #putin #ukraine #HagueForPutin #StopRussia #russiakills #russialies #StandWithUkraine
#opinion | Strategically, Ukraine has already won the war. The vast majority of countries in the world are on our side. Our spirit is stronger than ever. No more divided nation. Putin's rockets and bombs have united Ukraine. They turned us into steel. Made us monolithic.
#hagueforputin #stoprussia #russiakills #russialies #standwithukraine
#opinion #HagueForPutin #StopRussia #russiakills #russialies #StandWithUkraine
#news | «Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta’s most global brand, declined comment, but the company’s bottler in Ukraine temporarily closed its operations. In Russia, Coke’s bottler has announced no change in its roughly 7,000-employee operations».
so, coca-cola, you can go help that russian warship find it's way you know where.
#news #HagueForPutin #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine #cocacola
#video | this is how the city of chernihiv in #ukraine looks like after the #russian «precision» strikes and «denazification».
there is an empire that has to be denazified, in hague, and it's not ukraine.
#video #ukraine #russian #HagueForPutin #StopRussia #russiakills #StandWithUkraine
@hans i'll much prefer hague for #putin ! here's why:
#stalin and sovien union were actually in the share with #hitler and germany and as much the cause of the ww2! but while germany has been denazified, sovien union was not, and russians almost openly warship stalin as a strong leader even to these days!
if not judged in hague while he still lives, putil will remain for them as a hero. all this will thus be repeated one day for our children =(
#putin #stalin #hitler #HagueForPutin #StopRussia #russiakills
rt @stux
знаєте московитів, які намагаються вивчити англійську? ось чудовий матеріял для читання, перекладу, аудіювання (сприйняття на слух). для тренування вимови можна почати з простого: «russian warship go f*ck yourself!»
#HagueForPutin #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine