Matt Ostrom · @Mattimage3D
1 followers · 41 posts · Server
JD · @JDolanOut
47 followers · 52 posts · Server

18 months after my hair transplant and I've decided it's time to hack it all off. I really wanted to try out long hair as I've never given it a go before. And perhaps it was only stubbornness making me stick with it even though it clearly wasn't working for my face. So anyway, here we are. All shorn back and feeling a lot better about myself. And really that's all that matters, right?

#gayuk #gayguyswithmoustaches #newhair #haircut #tache #moustache #hairjourney #HairTransplant #Menshair #hair

Last updated 2 years ago

Terrorskull · @terrorskull
16 followers · 67 posts · Server

Post-op Day 7 - recovery continues. Still have some scabbing and itching. Noticed some pressure when I did a bit of a workout and later when I wore a hat, but other than that mostly back to normal. A little unclear, but my restrictions are either officially gone now or in the morning. Did a cup rinse instead of direct spray in the shower again today just to be extra cautious. Will be nice to get cleaned up and take photos in good lighting again!

#hair #HairTransplant #HairRestoration #FUE

Last updated 2 years ago

Terrorskull · @terrorskull
16 followers · 67 posts · Server

Post-op Day 6 - somehow managed 9 hours of sleep. Was not as uncomfortable resting my head on the pillow last night. Have stopped icing as of yesterday as swelling was minimal to nonexistent. Feeling fairly back to normal aside from the ongoing itching which is primarily on the donor area. Have found that doing a bit of tapping, not slapping like often recommended for tattoos, can help briefly.

#hair #HairTransplant #HairRestoration #FUE

Last updated 2 years ago

Terrorskull · @terrorskull
16 followers · 67 posts · Server

Post-op Day 5 - recovery still coming along. Sleep was a bit rougher than expected even though I was back to sleeping flat and without a neck pillow. Think I must still have enough bruising that made it pretty uncomfortable. Maybe better tonight. Itching now in full effect.

#hair #HairTransplant #HairRestoration #FUE

Last updated 2 years ago

Terrorskull · @terrorskull
16 followers · 67 posts · Server

Post-op Day 4 - another milestone day in recovery. Tape removed from forehead. Gently, probably more than necessary even, washed the grafted area. Can now start exercising, but may still hold off another day or two. Tonight I get to sleep without the neck pillow and in a normal position! The urge is strong to reenact the Office Space printer scene with all of my sleep related stuff.

#hair #HairTransplant #HairRestoration #FUE

Last updated 2 years ago

Terrorskull · @terrorskull
16 followers · 67 posts · Server

Post-op Day 3 - about the same as day 2. Sleep was worse since I apparently forgot to take my allergy meds and was coughing a lot of the night. No more shower cap and less frequent spraying of grafts is nice. Seems like the bleeding/oozing from my donor area has completely stopped.

Tomorrow I get to remove this strip on my forehead preventing swelling, start exercising, and sleep normally (a bit cautiously) again. Halfway there…

#hair #HairTransplant #HairRestoration #FUE

Last updated 2 years ago

Terrorskull · @terrorskull
16 followers · 67 posts · Server

Post-op Day 2 - sleep went a bit better. Not feeling tired or sore from the neck pillow. Last day wearing the shower cap and spraying ATP so frequently. Swelling still minimal, but see a bit of fluid caught by the tape I keep on my forehead until Friday. Looking forward to not wearing this cap tomorrow!

#hair #HairTransplant #HairRestoration #FUE

Last updated 2 years ago

Terrorskull · @terrorskull
16 followers · 67 posts · Server

Post-op Day 1 - sleep was poor, as expected having to stay elevated. Was able to take off the bandages and wash the donor area. Grafted area I could rinse with a mix of shampoo and water. No major swelling at this time, but will see what happens without the elastic band on now. Doing the ATP spray every couple hours and keeping the shower cap on for today and tomorrow. Still icing and taking ibuprofen. Things loosen up a bit on Thursday.

#hair #HairTransplant #HairRestoration #FUE

Last updated 2 years ago

Terrorskull · @terrorskull
16 followers · 67 posts · Server

Just finished my third FUE hair restoration procedure. Going to post some recovery from the process in case anyone is interested in the recovery. We did 2000 grafts today, and including the hour drive, it took almost 12 hours.

#hair #HairTransplant #HairRestoration #FUE

Last updated 2 years ago