Nan Dòmi: An Initiate’s Journey Into Haitian Vodou by Mimerose Beaubrun; Madison Smartt Bell; D.J. Walker
#vodou, #voodoo, #vodun, #religion, #Haitianreligion, #religioninHaiti, #memoirs, #religiousstudies, #HaitianVodou
Like all the great religions, Vodou has an external, public practice of rituals and ceremonies–and also an internal, mystical dimension. Before Nan Dòmi, works about Vodou have concentrated on the spectacular outward manifestations of Vodou observance–hypnotic drumming and chanting, frenetic dancing, fits of spirit possession. But practically all reports on Vodou are outsider accounts, which means that they are stopped at the threshold.
Mimerose Beaubrun, educated as an anthropologist, set out to write another such work, but in the process she met the woman who would become her ultimate teacher and guide to the religion’s internal mysteries: Tante Tansia, whose knowledge, wisdom and spiritual power govern the text of Nan Dòmi.
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