@m will do! i’m still getting used to the idea of using my phone as more of a photography camera vs snapshots. i’ve never had a waveform monitor display on a camera before, and it’s really tripping me out. i was already going to be happy with a live histogram! #photography #Halide
(on the screen is @okay_sure_cool assembling an oscillator module 🤖)
finally got fed up enough with missing photos opps on #iPhone because of focus confusion. going to try out #Halide as my camera default. lens swapping is a bit slow vs 1st party, but the manual controls already have me feeling wistful for when i was more serious with my #photography hobby 📷😻
the 7D is just too huge for casually having it nearby or on me + post processing and getting exports onto a device!
gt1923 – NEWS – Alles nur wegen meinem Yubikey
Eine neue Woche, wie ausgemacht, zusammen mit dem Maik vor dem M
#News #Podcast #m_wlod #pokipsie #Amazon #Bitcoin #Echo #Fintech #Fotograf #google #Halide #iFixit #KeePass #Konto #Kryptowhrung #Login #Logitech #Mastodon #Maus #Microsoft #Nachtrag #news #Outtakes #Passkey #Podcast #Problem #Relai #Schweiz #SMS #SocialMedia #Sonne #Tastatur #Testbericht #Toniebox #Update #VoiceTagging #Wordpress #Yuh
#news #podcast #m_wlod #pokipsie #amazon #bitcoin #echo #fintech #fotograf #google #Halide #ifixit #keepass #konto #kryptowhrung #login #logitech #mastodon #maus #microsoft #nachtrag #outtakes #Passkey #problem #relai #schweiz #sms #socialmedia #sonne #tastatur #Testbericht #toniebox #update #voicetagging #wordpress #yuh
There are many photographs of Horseshoe Bend, but this one is mine. Also, you can check out our trail review and less photographed views at https://www.trailspotting.com/2023/03/horseshoe-bend-page-az.html | #Arizona #HorseshoeBend #PageAZ #GrandCanyon #GlenCanyon #Hiking #Photography #Halide
#Halide #photography #hiking #glencanyon #grandcanyon #pageaz #horseshoebend #arizona
Antelope Canyon is a spectacular slot canyon near Page, AZ and suitable for almost all types of explorers. Trail details and reviews here: https://www.trailspotting.com/2023/03/lower-antelope-canyon-page-az.html | #SlotCanyon #Photography #Hiking #Outdoors #Arizona #PageAZ #Halide #iPhone #Canyon
#canyon #iphone #Halide #pageaz #arizona #outdoors #hiking #photography #slotcanyon
It’s amazing what a few minutes can do 🌅
#Clouds #SanDiegoBay #Sunset #SunsetPhotography #California #Photography #SliceOfLife #WeeklyPhotoDrop #WeekThree #NewYearsResolution #NewYearsGoals #iPhone #Halide #HalideApp #Darkroom #DarkroomApp
#darkroomapp #darkroom #halideapp #Halide #iPhone #newyearsgoals #newyearsresolution #weekthree #weeklyphotodrop #sliceoflife #photography #california #sunsetphotography #sunset #sandiegobay #clouds
After extensive pixel-peeping, I declare Halide's 48MP JPEG to be the best all-round mode for iPhone 14 Pro. More detail & 30% smaller than 12MP ProRAW. Beaten only by 48MP ProRAW but that has 4x the filesize. Am I wrong? #iPhone14Pro #Halide #HalideApp #Photography #ProRaw
#ProRAW #photography #halideapp #Halide #iPhone14Pro
After extensive pixel-peeping, I declare Halide's 48MP JPEG to be the best all-round mode for iPhone 14 Pro. More detail & 30% smaller than 12MP ProRAW. Beaten only by 48MP ProRAW but that has 4x the filesize. Am I wrong? #iPhone14Pro #Halide #HalideApp #Photography #ProRaw
#ProRAW #photography #halideapp #Halide #iPhone14Pro
First attempt at #macro #photography with #Halide on iPhone X
May be a bit blurry due to high wind