Tunnels of George’s Island in Halifax, Nova Scotia. #georgesisland #halifaxns #blackandwhitephotography #tunnel #underground #visitnovascotia #explorecanada #cangeo #discoverhalifax
#georgesisland #HalifaxNS #blackandwhitephotography #tunnel #underground #visitnovascotia #explorecanada #cangeo #discoverhalifax
I joined a #JanesWalk today with Milena Khazanavicius, who is blind & uses a guide dog. We took it in turns to walk with a blindfold on - a sobering experience. The streets of #HalifaxNS #Kjipuktuk are hostile for anyone with accessibility needs. We need to do better. There's another walk on Sunday May 7 - I'd highly recommend: https://www.janeswalkhalifax.com/schedule
#janeswalk #HalifaxNS #kjipuktuk #zerovisionhfx #accessibility
"“Everyone wants a livable planet. Doesn't everybody want clean air, safe spaces for children to play, spaces that are accessible for people? We can have all of these things, even if we do take space away from cars, because it's been demonstrated over and over again, the cities that support active transportation are safer for everyone, including people who are driving.”
Me, last year!
#zerovisionhfx #visionzero #safestreets #thecoasthfx #HalifaxNS
"Free parking is the real tragedy of the commons. In a tangible way, we have given up free communal spaces in exchange for free individual spaces. The pattern of making this trade over and over again is what is killing this planet, and even though our politicians talk a big game, they never put their money where their mouth is".
#MattStickland of #TheCoastHFX describing the bizarre doublespeak of @hfxgov.
Read more at: https://www.thecoast.ca/news-opinion/confused-council-passes-hrm-budget-with-climate-tax-and-carbon-subsidies-30690709
#thecoasthfx #zerovisionhfx #kjipuktuk #HalifaxNS #mattstickland
@mbonsma In #ZeroVisionHFX, we couldn't even commit to #VisionZero. Instead the city decided on the uninspiring "Towards Zero" approach. It's embarrassing for a city that touts itself as world class! It's also wholly ineffective.
#zerovisionhfx #visionzero #HalifaxNS #roadsafety
@philmoscovitch Halifax Council: "Climate Emergency!"
Also Halifax Council: "Come park for free!" and "sorry cyclists, your minimum grid isn't finished yet".
This is #ZeroVisionHFX
Link to story: https://www.halifaxexaminer.ca/government/city-hall/halifax-councillors-back-down-on-saturday-parking-in-last-minute-budget-change/
(please subscribe to this wonderful local news org!)
#zerovisionhfx #climateemergency #nofreeparking #HalifaxNS #kjipuktuk
We had a bloom of Sea Gooseberry (Pleurobrachia pileus) down at the Halifax Boardwalk late last week. #ctenophores #HalifaxNS
It's now 6 months since we went #CarFree as a family & I wouldn't have it any other way. Benefits = more activity, more money & more support for local businesses. Plus #HalifaxNS #Kjipuktuk has an excellent #CarShare program. Sadly, we still pay for other people’s car use because driving is so heavily subsidized. It’s why we should all be demanding alternatives to car use – it is cheaper & better for everyone.
#ClimateAction #CarCult
#carfree #HalifaxNS #kjipuktuk #carshare #climateaction #carcult
@slowbikeiain @adwright @Rasta @mattdagley @PhilMoscovitch @suzannerent @IrisinHalifax Fun fact - I got married in #HalifaxUK and now live in #HalifaxNS. At the time of the former I had no idea that a few years later I'd make the move to the latter!
@simonvarwell @mbonsma NP. Of course it also helps to live in a city. #HalifaxNS is not big and is very car-centric despite having a walkable urban core. But the #carshare program here is phenomenal! We can even offset our own costs of using it by hosting a #carshare on our drive - win-win! My siblings in the UK (outside London) have to drive to get anywhere.
@simonvarwell @mbonsma There's a great report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation on structural waste in the mobility system which estimates the average European car is parked 92% of the time so 3% moving is not far off.
We went #carfree 6 months ago and have not looked back. We walk, bike, bus or #carshare in #HalifaxNS & we save around $150-250/m compared to owning a car, depending on carshare use.
It's sad to see the wonderful @BikeMayorHfx, Jillian Banfeld stepping down from her role after 3 years. She's been a strong voice for equity and inclusion through #cycling in #HalifaxNS. Big thanks JB for your advocacy! Read more in this article from #CBCNS. Also links to her interview when she started! https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/halifax-bike-mayor-reflects-on-end-3-year-term-1.6797378?cmp=rss&utm_source=newsletter.thecoast.ca&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=transportation-standing-committee-plants-a-seed-of-optimism via #TheCoastHFX
#cycling #HalifaxNS #cbcns #thecoasthfx #kjipuktuk #bikehfx #bikemayor
Foggy departure for #OpNanook22 from Halifax back in August by #HDMSTriton, #USCGCBear, #FSRhone, and #HMCSGooseBay as seen from #HMCSMargaretBrooke. #warship #warshipphotography #fog #ship #shipspotting #shipphotography #halifaxns
#opnanook22 #hdmstriton #uscgcbear #fsrhone #hmcsgoosebay #HMCSMargaretBrooke #warship #warshipphotography #fog #ship #shipspotting #shipphotography #HalifaxNS
Sunrise on the Halifax waterfront in front of @queensmarque. #architecture #architecturephotography #sunrise #dawn #morning #golden #reflection #boardwalk #copper #halifaxns
#architecture #architecturephotography #sunrise #dawn #morning #golden #reflection #boardwalk #copper #HalifaxNS
The #DalCrossroads student-led interdisciplinary health research conference kicks off today in #HalifaxNS #Kjipuktuk. Students from across #Canada will share their health research over the next 2 days. I'll be there!
#dalcrossroads #HalifaxNS #kjipuktuk #canada #dalhpi #DalhousieU #dalcrossroads2023
It's #WorldKidneyDay today and I am so proud of my friend and colleague Dr Sarah Moore ❤️
She donated a kidney last year to a young girl she'd never met. Her generosity and compassion shine through in this interview with #GlobalNewsHFX https://globalnews.ca/video/9538676/world-kidney-day-dal-professor-donated-kidney-and-saved-a-life/
#worldkidneyday #globalnewshfx #organdonation #kidneyhealthforall #HalifaxNS #DalhousieU
@dragons Yes, a little hope! Credit where it's due - council is trying and it shows!
#MunicipalPolitics #Kjipuktuk #HalifaxNS #LocalJournalism #TwitCoast
#municipalpolitics #kjipuktuk #HalifaxNS #localjournalism #twitcoast
I love the way that local journalists in #HalifaxNS cover municipal affairs with honesty and education. This is another great piece by Matt Stickland:
Here's what happened at HRM council's March 7 meeting | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST
#MunicipalPolitics #Kjipuktuk #HalifaxNS #LocalJournalism #TwitCoast
#HalifaxNS #municipalpolitics #kjipuktuk #localjournalism #twitcoast
Pedestrians are third class citizens in #HalifaxNS. OK, the little strip of sidewalk to the right of the crosswalk markings is clear but leaving the snow on the actual crosswalk, which is the most direct route across this 4-lane stroad, speaks volumes to how people walking are considered in this "world class" city. This is also the main route to an elementary school 🤦
One for you @safe_hrm
#HalifaxNS #zerovisionhfx #CarBrain #pedestriansafety
@wayemason So happy to see this bus about town. Now if only we had a better and easier way to purchase bus tickets 🤔 Any updates on what's taking so long for us to join the 21st century in that department?
#publictransit #HalifaxNS #hfxgov