Attacks on Dennis Montgomery, HAMMER and SCORECARD, ‘Absolute Proof,’ Have CIA Connections
#cia #dennismontgomery #HammerScorecard
NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe Warned Congress in March of 2020 About Election Coup & Federal Judge Verifies Existence of HAMMER and Scorecard
#kirkwiebe #hammerscorecard #electioncoup #NSAWhistleblower
#KirkWiebe #HammerScorecard #electioncoup #nsawhistleblower
Text WVW to 88202 for a link and reminder to watch!
#kirkwiebe #nsawhistleblower #maryfanning #AlanJones #hammerscorecard
#KirkWiebe #nsawhistleblower #MaryFanning #AlanJones #HammerScorecard
The HAMMER is the Key to the Coup With General McInerney and Mary Fanning
#HAMMER #HammerScorecard #GeneralMcInerney #MaryFanning #WVWtv
#hammer #HammerScorecard #GeneralMcInerney #MaryFanning #WVWtv
HAMMER SCORECARD caught on camera in PA! 19,958 votes get taken from at Trump at 10:22 pm and given to Biden at 10:23 pm.
10:22 pm
Trump: 1,690,589
Biden: 1,252,537
10:23 pm
Trump: 1,670,631
Biden: 1,272,495
#AccountabilityOfMedia #HammerScorecard #TheHammer #Scorecard
#AccountabilityOfMedia #HammerScorecard #thehammer #scorecard