“Et dybt kriminaliseret, korrupt system, som opererer ved hjælp af kriminelle metoder og kriminel tænkning.
Det er det, som vi aldrig i Vesten - i hvert fald ikke i nyere tid - har vist forståelse for.
Jeg håber, at man nu har forstået, hvad der står på spil her”.
#mafiaboss #mafialov #mafiametoder #Wagner #prigozhin #Putin #Rusland #hån #ydmyget #likvidering #koldHævn #byzantinsk #intrigant #magtDemonstration #symbolik #ritualer
#ritualer #Symbolik #magtdemonstration #intrigant #byzantinsk #koldhævn #likvidering #ydmyget #Han #rusland #putin #prigozhin #wagner #mafiametoder #mafialov #mafiaboss #prigozhindead
Explore the Innovative Sounds of Korean Hip-Hop Through Our Spotify Singles Series ‘HAN’
Check it out! 👇
#Yeoho #Woogie #Viceversa #Spotify #Sokodomo #Smugglers #Saewoo #Royal #Polodared #Peejay #Mirani #Loopy #Krown #KoreanHipHop #Korea #KidMilli #KeithApe #Katie #KHipHop #JimmyPage #JayPark #Hiphopplaya #Han #FleekyBang #DonMills #Dok2 #Blase #Blacknut #CultureAndTrends
#yeoho #woogie #viceversa #spotify #sokodomo #smugglers #saewoo #royal #polodared #peejay #mirani #loopy #krown #koreanhiphop #korea #kidmilli #keithape #katie #khiphop #jimmypage #jaypark #hiphopplaya #Han #fleekybang #donmills #dok2 #blase #blacknut #cultureandtrends
#HAN {Health Advisory} Increased #Chikungunya Virus Activity in #Paraguay and Associated #Risk to #Travelers, US CDC: https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2023/han00487.asp?ACSTrackingID=USCDC_511-DM100520&ACSTrackingLabel=HAN%20487%20-%20General%20Public&deliveryName=USCDC_511-DM100520
#Han #chikungunya #paraguay #risk #Travelers
#US #CDC #HAN: #Outbreak of #XDR #Pseudomonas aeruginosa Associated with Artificial Tears {#eyedrops}, full page: https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2023/han00485.asp?ACSTrackingID=USCDC_511-DM98842&ACSTrackingLabel=HAN%20485%20-%20General%20Public&deliveryName=USCDC_511-DM98842
#us #cdc #Han #outbreak #xdr #Pseudomonas #eyedrops
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
🎵 Floating
You have no idea how much I love #hanjisung in leather jackets. I.am.weak. 😂
#hanjisung #stray_kids #skz #Han
Review: Star Wars: Han Solo & Chewbacca #8
Han Solo and Chewbacca continue to waste two of the best characters in comics. Issue 8 is even worse in that the main focus of the books seems to be shifting to Phaedra. Phaedra somehow gets to be as resourceful, creative and crafty as Han Solo is supposed to be. Han meantime seems to be entirely fangless. Greedo flat...
#chewbacca #David Messina #Han Solo #MARC GUGGENHEIM #star was
#star #marc #Han #David #chewbacca
Los #Han, la etnia mayoritaria en #China, también tienen su leyenda acerca del origen de las Montañas Flameantes.
Según este relato, el Rey Mono creo una perturbación en el cielo y la derribó sobre un horno, haciendo que sus brasas cayeran en esta zona del país que, no obstante, registra las mayores temperaturas en verano, superando con frecuencia los 50 grados. [5/5]
SKZ Replay, a compilation album managed to rack up more plays in 15 hrs than SKZ2021 did in a entire week. Felix's 'Deep End' also surpassed 1M streams in less than two days. :ablobcatrave: :ablobcatreachreverse: :ablobcatrave:
#StrayKids #SKZREPLAY #bangchan #leeknow #changbin #hyunjin #han #felix #seungmin #IN
#StrayKids #skzreplay #bangchan #leeknow #changbin #hyunjin #Han #felix #seungmin #in
También conocido como #Zhelaizhai (#者来寨), este lugar ha sido, durante décadas, protagonista de numerosos mitos y leyendas acerca del origen de parte de sus habitantes, aquellos con rasgos diferentes al del común de los chinos #Han, la etnia mayoritaria en #China (cerca del 92% de la población).
:ablobcatreachreverse: :ablobcatrave: :blobcataww:
#straykids #han #jisung #hanjisung #seungmin #in #jeongin
#StrayKids #Han #jisung #hanjisung #seungmin #in #jeongin
Sin embargo, en su capital, #Lhasa, se encuentra un estadio, enclavado en una zona de grandes edificios, destinada a servir de alojamiento a los chinos #Han (la etnia mayoritaria en #China), con los que, desde el Gobierno, se ha buscado repoblar esta zona del país.
El estadio, con capacidad para 20.000 espectadores, fue el hogar del Lhasa FC, equipo que, tras varios intentos fallidos, contó con una estructura que le hizo sumar ascensos hasta plantarse en las puertas del fútbol nacional chino.
From the #18thC #commentary on the #Chinese etymological #dictionary _Explanation of Writing and Analysis of Characters_ (#Han dynasty, #2ndC). I have placed the commentary in [square brackets].
讋: zhé (1) to lose one's breath speaking; ... (2) to talk without stopping; [every word uttered is based in nothing...what one calls “yadda-yadda, blah blah blah”]...
#asianists #18thc #Commentary #chinese #dictionary #Han #2ndC
Whilst getting to know this new platform, I think I might have a little #archaeology and #history fun…I was in #China for 4.5 years and saw some amazing places and objects. I’m going to try and make some sense of it all in something approaching chronological order. I may linger on the #Shang, #Han & #Tang…
#archaeology #history #china #Shang #Han #Tang
Sands Of Salzaar review: a sparkling, but occasionally muddy action RPG gem - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/sands-of-salzaar-review #Han-SquirrelStudio #SandsofSalzaar #WotIThink #Strategy #Action #Indie #RPG #XD
#Han #SandsofSalzaar #wotithink #strategy #action #indie #rpg #XD
#Corona sei ein #Systemtest mit dem #Ziel die #Epidemoe weitgehend unter #Kontrolle zu bringen. #Verzweifelter #Ausdruck von #Souveränität gegenüber #Vertrauen in #massenmediale #Kommunikation als #Grundlage für #intensive #Interaktion und #Kooperation; #Widerstand meldet sich in die #Wirklichkeitsapathie zurück als #Hysterie des #Überlebens.
Die #Welt, #Feuilleton, 23.03.20, Byung-Chul #Han - #Wir #dürfen die #Vernunft nicht dem #Virus #überlassen, S. 8
#corona #Systemtest #ziel #Epidemoe #kontrolle #verzweifelt #ausdruck #souveränität #vertrauen #massenmedial #kommunikation #grundlage #intensiv #interaktion #kooperation #widerstand #Wirklichkeitsapathie #hysterie #Überleben #welt #feuilleton #Han #wir #dürfen #vernunft #virus #überlassen
The best game you missed in January 2020: Sands Of Salzaar - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/rO9u5dxjt4o/ #Han-SquirrelStudio #BestGameYouMissed #FeaturedArticles #feature
#Han #BestGameYouMissed #featuredarticles #feature
Hit action-RPG Sands Of Salzaar to get an English translation - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/DLAlQN2StEw/ #Han-SquirrelStudio #PCGameNews